Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. dbltree


    Sweet setup John! Scott is trying some no--tiill brassicas by broadcasting seed into rye and rolling it flat 1/2" rain did the trick We'll see how if does compared to conventional
  2. dbltree


    I can see the switch but clip as high as you can
  3. dbltree


    It can work well if you get rain to germinate the seed, if not it may fall follow a version of no-till here http://www.outreachoutdoors.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=566&start=420
  4. dbltree


    Won't hurt a thing
  5. dbltree

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    No, plant 1/2 to brassicas and spray volunteer rye with clehthodim when it comes up ;)
  6. dbltree

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    Follow the posted directions and if you have more questions we'll help you out, remember pictures are posted thru out showing exactly what to do
  7. dbltree


    45-50 puts down 10# for us
  8. dbltree

    Egyptian Wheat

    Not with out killing EW
  9. dbltree


    The single most important step to a successful stand of switchgrass is fall prep Fred followed those steps to a T and the switch seedlings are coming up nicely The field is still clean in early July This is a field that was spring sprayed but the still dormant fescue and dormant seed...
  10. dbltree

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent>...
  11. dbltree


    Plant 80# oats or rye Mow rye in spring Use any common oats BF oats are huge ripoff Yes cultipack, broadcast clover seed, cultipack to cover Please take time to read this and the cereal grain thread for more information
  12. dbltree


    Oust is more likely the culprit, I've seen it move 6' on level ground and 10 yards on a slope, should be alright this fall ;)
  13. dbltree


    They will do fair, use 500# pellet lime rather then ag lime
  14. dbltree


    Thanks Fred the atrazine did it's job ;)
  15. dbltree


    Yes pounds = # ;)
  16. dbltree


    June 27, 2014 Time to order brassica seeds and I have a list of suppliers here Growing brassicas for whitetails One of my favorites is Welter Seed but we get all our seeds, fertilizer, lime and herbicides from Iowa-Missouri Hybrid LLC phone (319) 293-3114 Owner Aaron Palm will pre-mix...
  17. dbltree

    Native Warm Season Grass

    Milestone is another good herbicide for thistles so if they are a problem go ahead and spray but it's very unusual to have to spray every year
  18. dbltree

    Native Warm Season Grass

    It looks good why do you want to spray it ?
  19. dbltree


    Berseem and crimson are planted to fix nitrogen for brassicas, when they flower they stop fixing nitrogen and set seed. It's important to keep them working for us, but as Skip mentioned this is not important for white clover. We clip white clover once or twice a year but flowering is...
  20. dbltree

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    June 19th, 2014 Jess planted these oats and annual clovers in May... they grow fast! These have not headed out yet but they can be mowed anytime now The berseem and crimson clover are doing great, preferably clip oats just above the clover The tender annual clover are very attractive to...
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