Looking basically anywhere west of I 35 north to south. Could be possibly persuaded into the 2 tears of counties east of I 35 if it were the right opportunity. I've got mixed feelings on whether or not recreational ground will come down in price per acre at all. It might slightly correlate to...
Have been pounding the websites you would typically check for timbered land. Wondering if anyone knows of any that would maybe not be listed. Looking for between 175 and 250 acres. Would like a good amount of income generated from the property as well as a stocked pond. Every property is...
If they can survive in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, etc etc they'll be fine here. Not worried about the cold as much as if we have another dry year. The ehd will stick around...
It's colder than you know what... Supposedly -29 windchill and stepping outside I don't think they're wrong this time!! I'm going to try and make it a couple hrs. Heading out in 15 minutes..
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