Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. C

    Southwest IA 10

    Thanks and Score Picked up the rack from the taxidermist today and he scored him for me. Generally, he is conservative, but dog gone close. I was off too, short main beams. Total 145 5/8" gross, 141 2/8" net. Can't seem to break that 150" mark to save my tail. Have to wait til late...
  2. C

    Another Giant 8 pt

    Same one My thinking is its the same buck, but I've been wrong before. The reason, the turn up on the right main beam; it looks the same in both. JMHO. Good luck and shoot straight. 602
  3. C

    Southwest IA 10

    Here's my 2010 bow kill. Spotted him with 651 bedded next to a creek with a hot doe about half mile away. Stalked to within about 35 yards and missed, thank God for the rut and the doe never seeing me, because he ran out to 55 yards and stopped. A quick reload of the bisquit and a few grunts...
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