Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Southwest IA 10


New Member

Here's my 2010 bow kill. Spotted him with 651 bedded next to a creek with a hot doe about half mile away. Stalked to within about 35 yards and missed, thank God for the rut and the doe never seeing me, because he ran out to 55 yards and stopped. A quick reload of the bisquit and a few grunts and he came back to 44 yards before deciding he didn't like me. He walked off to 49, stopped at a mouth grunt and the RAGE did it. Hard quartering away that came out his neck, spraying like a garden hose. Down in about 20 bounds. Two years in a row with a spot and stalk and a dandy. No score yet, took him to the taxidermist first. Any guesses?
Sounds like an exciting hunt. Never shot one off the ground before, but it's gotta be a rush.

As for the score, tough to tell just from one picture. 155? It really doesn't matter though....he's a stud!
I've come o-so-close on spot and stalks just could never close the deal. Congrats, he's a brute!
That is a heck of a buck from a treestand or on the ground, but exceptional from the ground. Great bowkill.
Thanks and Score

Picked up the rack from the taxidermist today and he scored him for me. Generally, he is conservative, but dog gone close. I was off too, short main beams. Total 145 5/8" gross, 141 2/8" net. Can't seem to break that 150" mark to save my tail. Have to wait til late muzzleloader season and hold out for the whopper.

Thanks to all.

Great Buck. All these guys connecting on stalks makes me want to give it a try. 49 yards is a little out of my range though!
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