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  1. Zim

    Iowa NR Draw results are IN!!

    That one point zone 9 deal is incredible. That unit has aways had more applicants than the others by a significant amount. I never would have predicted this could have happened. I wish they get rid of the 35% cap so the odds could be more easily figured out. With the new $10 point deal many...
  2. Zim

    Iowa NR Draw results are IN!!

    tped, There's quite a few guys posting on Bowsite who did draw archery zone 5 with one point. I bet the chances are somewhere between 25%-40%. I will certainly be there next year with 2 points. I could strangle my buddy for his lazyness 2 years ago. I tried calling him 5 times before the...
  3. Zim

    Iowa NR Draw results are IN!!

    Ghost, Actually I do have my last backup plan. Illinois. I live only 10 minutes from the border. Buck quality where we hunt is just as good as my Iowa spot, if not a bit better. However, It's kind of an industrial atmosphere. Plus the folks I meet in rural Iowa are the best. Just an...
  4. Zim

    Iowa NR Draw results are IN!!

    Ghost, If I were you, I wouldn't be joking about the upcoming regression in quality. I personally saw what just a January antlerless rifle season alone did to Kansas over the past 6 years. If you think there will be no significant dropoff is quality, you are kidding yourself. It will happen...
  5. Zim

    Iowa NR Draw results are IN!!

    Tim, I had another friend in a group of 3 that drew last year with a lone point. Also I knew of two other parties that drew, both with only one point. It's probably a 1/2 unit but getting closer to 2.
  6. Zim

    Iowa NR Draw results are IN!!

    What a kick in the teeth. First I hear about the crappy new gun seasons, then I fail to draw zone 5 archery with 1 point. Truly a shi**y day. Only reason I didn't draw was because my hunting partner forgot to appply in 2003 and fell a point behind me. What a great year. No tags in UT...
  7. Zim

    My apologies.

    The two new gun seasons will be a huge blow to mature buck hunting in Iowa. And you can bet your bottom dollar that once instituted, these seasons will never, never, never go away. Gun hunters are the majority, and they will cry bigtime to their legislators if something were taken from them...
  8. Zim

    Management Decisions

    I'm completely stunned there's not widespread hunter objection to these new seasons! If I were a resident I'd be on the phone with my legislator right now. A January antlerless rifle season alone decimated north central Kansas deer populations over the last few years. I saw the damage. Add...
  9. Zim

    Out of state Big Game

    I applied for 24 hunts this year. So far 7 draws were completed with no tags yet. Best chance is for Nevada Mulie with 6 bonus points, other than Iowa zone 5 archery. I'll get something. I always do. Just don't know where yet. Good luck to all in the draws.
  10. Zim

    Illinois Sate Record Non-Typ

    Ya my buddy scored racks at the Illinois Classic and saw it there. Very impressive. He's always amazed at the number of huge racks there compared to our show here in Indiana, where he also scores for the INDHA record book.
  11. Zim

    "Unicorn Buck"

    Cool. A really special trophy. I hope you did a shoulder mount. I have seen one like this before, but the center tine was only 1/2 that size.
  12. Zim

    Quick Question/ Zone 5

    I would agree with PYBucks with approx 1/3 chance. The only thing is I bet the NR applicants dropped for 2002 due to the significantly higher fee. But prior to that NR applicants were increasing an average of 10%+ per year, so maybe they offset each other. I hope some stats on 2002 NR...
  13. Zim

    Jesse Ulicki's 2nd Season Shotgun Buck

    Very pretty rack. Clean with nothing broken.
  14. Zim

    Iowa versus USC

    Well the Bears have the 4th pick and I heard this Banks mentioned a few times but from what I saw I can't imagine that will happen. I take it he had some better games. Now that Palmer's accuracy was really impressive. I think he will do good for someone.
  15. Zim

    Good Luck IU

    10,000 outside? Woa. I graduated from Purdue 22 years ago, but have never returned for one game of any kind since. While I was a student I went to every basketball & football game. Back then I always wondered what possessed all the old alumni to drive up in their RV's for all these games. I...
  16. Zim

    US Supreme Court may rule on NR

    Actually this is a huge issue that definitely belongs in the Supreme Court. The kind of thing this court was intended to rule on. Special interest groups have been fighting over the use of our federal lands for years. There is a tremendous amount of federal land, and this case has much...
  17. Zim

    Good Luck IU

    As a Boilermaker grad I can say we did our part in the Who Cares Bowl. I'll be rooting for Iowa wherever they are playing.
  18. Zim

    Recent trail cam picture

    Your season ends before the rut? What?
  19. Zim

    US Supreme Court may rule on NR

    The thing that really irritates me is the overwhelmingly selfish attitude of the AZ residents in this situation. Go read the comments on their forum. They bitch about not drawing a tag and want to hand out even FEWER tags to NR's, yet many of these same guys turn right around and apply/hunt in...
  20. Zim

    US Supreme Court may rule on NR

    I am very familiar with the drawing systems in most western states, and also Iowa. I apply to over 15 each year. Rest assured there is a reason Arizona was targeted in this suit. Of all the western states, they run the biggest scam, duping NR's into thinking their odds of drawing are MUCH...
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