Could it come down to the fact that all states will have to limit ALL buck/bull tags for NR and resident as well? If they don't, then how long untill a state like Iowa with its limited amount of cover, becomes shot out? The states would have to enact a "limited buck harvest" management sysyem. If this passes as an "unlimited" nonresident tag number, then Iowa can kiss it's great quality of whitetail hunting goodby. And it won't take very long either. I don't say this to sound snobbish Its just that I think its a fact that states like Iowa, Ill, and Kansas will see thier quality go down hill, and very fast at that. When you get a group of hunters in state that have never seen a 130 class buck, or at least believe it's "huge" at the size, well, they'd be taking quite a few 3 1/2 year old bucks out of your herd, bucks that could possibly be B&C contenders in a year or two. For the sake of quality hunting everywhere, we better hope that this doesn't pass as it is being proposed.