Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. NWBuck

    Target for Fall

    What a stud...good luck with him! Assuming you named him Handlebars :) NWBuck
  2. NWBuck

    Early hard horn!!!

    Nice! It's about that time of year for sure!! NWBuck
  3. NWBuck

    Finally getting some rain!

    Looks like a wide swath across the state is going to get rain today. No excuse for those turnips not to grow this year I guess! NWBuck
  4. NWBuck

    Browning Strike Forces Extreme Trail Camera 20mp

    I have a couple, and no complaints. Clear pictures, reliable, and excellent battery life. That looks like a great price as well... NWBuck
  5. NWBuck

    Am I The Only One?

    Well, we snagged 6 tenths on Thursday, and more in the forecast for tomorrow and Monday. Even though we had part of the seed in dry ground for about 10 days, it sound like we'll be OK for now. I'm officially off of the radar watch...at least for awhile. NWBuck
  6. NWBuck

    Am I The Only One?

    ...who seeds brassica plots, then refreshes the radar on your computer/phone regularly every day there's even a chance of rain? Seriously, this is stupid :D We narrowly missed again so far today :( NWBuck
  7. NWBuck

    Idea for your next Euro mount

    Incredible...I like it!! NWBuck
  8. NWBuck

    Some favorite trail cam pics

    Yikes Madison B&C...:eek::eek:
  9. NWBuck

    Anyone Tried This?

    Yeah Daver, after a crazy wet spring and early summer, we've been in a dry stretch as well. But a short period of downpours gave us around 2.5" since Friday. 10 day forecast looks dry again, so I may try it out and see what happens. NWBuck
  10. NWBuck

    Anyone Tried This?

    So, it's turnip planting time, and last week we were able to get areas disced up and ready for the traditional pack/seed/pack and wait for rain routine. Well we got the rain, and then some. But unfortunately, we didn't get the pack/seed/pack part done beforehand. So with more rain in the...
  11. NWBuck

    Little DIY project

    Looks great! If you get the grass done around the base you could also tuck a couple of those sheds in there for effect as well. Nice work! NWBuck
  12. NWBuck

    Plant or wait ?

    Even in NW Iowa ground is dry after tilling today. I have no plans to put turnips in until there are a couple of decent chances of rain in the 5 day forecast. Would rather wait till near 9/1 and hit a rain than putting them in now and sitting in dry ground for 3 weeks. NWBuck
  13. NWBuck

    Corn Nearly Total Loss

    We have found small corn plots are really tough to get a decent crop out of in areas of high deer density. Last year I had a 1 acre plot that had all of the right weather scenarios to be a great producer. But one of the biggest problems we have is that the deer, for whatever reason, prefer...
  14. NWBuck

    Welter Seed Mix

    I used it for the first time last year, and it will also be the last. I don't know how to describe it, but it was different than traditional turnips, and deer definitely did not use it like they have straight PTT...which is what I'm going back to in the brassicas plot this year.
  15. NWBuck

    Never Seen This Before...

    Here's an update. Not really sure what to make of this guy, but meyeri was correct...there was velvet coming on the right side. Another view... Hope to see him this fall, but if so, he'll get a pass just to see what he might turn into. Either way, something I've not seen before for...
  16. NWBuck

    Lack of equipment

    First turnip plot I ever planted my son and I broadcast with a hand seeder over ground that had been nuked, then raked it all in by hand. Caught a nice rain within 24 hours, and the plot turned out great. My opinion with turnips is that you can grow them in a parking lot if you get a decent...
  17. NWBuck

    Minnesota Bear

    Looks like a solid bear, and out during daylight. Hope he hangs around for you a month or so. NWBuck
  18. NWBuck

    Weed identification?

    Not sure what you're planning to plant there, but be careful with 2-4d. It has a residual effect that impacts turnips for sure...guessing other things as well. The agronomist around here suggested waiting at least 14 days after spraying it, and tilling would help at that point as well. Good...
  19. NWBuck

    What's the one thing that makes you shut off a hunting show?

    The "hit list". That'll get me to drop a show like a bad habit. NWBuck
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