Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    A few reasons my brothers(Marines) are proud

    Thanks to all who have given so we can enjoy our wonderful freedoms
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    Attemped my first stalk today

    sounds like you had a blast. Hope you get another chance at him soon.
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    when ever I have an adult doe in bow range
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    Another Long Browed Buck

    awesome pics, this is what is keeping me going, thanks for sharing....
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    My hopes for the morning

    Good luck to you!!!
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    how a marine says good bye

    Thanks for sharing. Semper FI !!
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    Farmer Filling Deer Tag

    Wow when people say that the wild is getting smaller who would have thought this could happen.
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    a scent question

    Love the green bags from H.S.
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    WI Deer Lover

    what the h ll was he thinking??
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    Void area

    Man wild pic. Thanks for sharing.
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    bowhunter16's buck

    He looks good, way to GO
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    Adjustable 1 Pin VS. 3 Pin Fixed Sights....

    I would say it is all on what you are comfortable with and used to. I use fixed pins and always have, also fixed blade broadhead. Just can't seem to make a step to change. This set up has worked for me and I don't want to screw anything up (I do that enough on my own ) Good luck to you this year.
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    What do you think he will score?

    I would have to say the mid 130's. Side note what happened to your chin whiskers??
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    Lock Down?

    I didn't see alot of chasing, haven't been out now because of Nebraska gun season which closes bow season, and that pesky thing called WORK . Only 4 more days and back out .
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    public land bucks

    Totally agree on the amount of pressure the land has. I doubt that it only has small bucks, just have to go deeper than most hunters would go and hope for a crack at one. Good luck to you.
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    Hit in shoulder, 48 hrs later, breeding a doe

    Hope you get a second chance at him. Best of luck to you!!
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    Isn't this a little late?

    Man that is a first for me. Thanks for sharing.
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    buck from 11-12-06

    Hope to see a picture soon.
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    First Whitetail Bow Kill

    Way to go and stick with it!! Congrats to you!!
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