Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. showstopper

    Mini Pontoon

    PM sent
  2. showstopper

    SF 2001 Youth tags

    I think that is the great thing about the turkey youth tags. Kids can hunt until it's filled. I don't even buy turkey tags anymore. I just get my boys tags and hunt with them until they are tagged out. It's great for promoting hunting in youth in my opinion. I am totally in favor of the bill...
  3. showstopper

    US Cellular Spartan Cams

    Close to $470 each I believe
  4. showstopper

    US Cellular Spartan Cams

    I have been running four of them this year. So far I have only changed batteries in one. I will try to attach some photos. I think the actual pictures on the cards are better resolution than what you get sent to you. The app is great and really easy to use. You can make firmware updates and...
  5. showstopper

    2 Like New Reconyx HC 500 Cameras

    Did you get rid of that bow you were trying to sell?
  6. showstopper

    Hoyt Spyder 30. 29" 60-70# Fully Loaded $500

    Is this still available? Sent a PM
  7. showstopper

    Team #11 thread-Lets go guys!

    Dang! I hope you can get in touch with someone and find him. Good luck!
  8. showstopper

    Any ideas

    Well I got this picture on another Plot this afternoon. He looks rested and feeling better. This was at 4:45 then at 5:07 he was back at it chasing a doe. Thanks for the input and replies. I’d say worn out rut buck is the reason for his looks last night.
  9. showstopper

    Any ideas

    I received two pictures of one of my up and comers today and it appears there may be something wrong with him. There was a doe that came through about two minutes prior to him but he looks to be hurt. I don’t see blood so I thought I’d see what you guys thought. Thanks in advance!
  10. showstopper

    Team #11 thread-Lets go guys!

    I am sorry for just getting around to posting a picture and story with my buck I shot on Sunday, October 15th. We had our third baby on September 22nd so I knew I had to pick and choose when I asked to go hunting. With the cold front on the 15th I asked if I could go both morning and night back...
  11. showstopper

    Brother's bow kill

    Wow! He blew up this year! Congrats on a beast of a buck in crunch time!
  12. showstopper

    2017-18 Team Deer Contest (Score Thread)

    164.75 pts for team 11. Not a game changer but a good start. Rt————Lt Beams: 24.5———24 G1: 4.5———4.75 G2: 9.75———9.5 G3: 9.25———9.0 G4: 3.75———5.25 H1: 4.5———4.75 H2: 3.75———4 H3: 4.75———5.25 H4...
  13. showstopper

    Team Contest

    Just curious what team I’m on. I am ready to post pic and score. Thanks
  14. showstopper

    Team Contest

    I'll enter but I already shot my buck. Does it still count?
  15. showstopper

    Ozone generators

    I bought the duffel bag last year and would run it on the drive to hunt and get dressed when I arrived. Had multiple does downwind trying to bust me (I spooked them when I got down the morning before) and they couldn't. Never before have I been able to say that. It was a game changer for me. Buy...
  16. showstopper

    My Knowledge & Solution quest for Info to combat EHD & TICKS....

    Should we be worried feeding the Kent brand to deer if it says, "Don't feed to sheep"? I assume that deer are able to tolerate or withstand it or else this thread wouldn't exist. I just noticed that and wondered if we may want to be cautious. Thanks for the info so far. I'm excited to get it...
  17. showstopper


    Am I reading the citation correctly when it says that Lee is 50 years old with a birth year of 1966? That can't be correct can it? He seems younger than that.
  18. showstopper

    Spypoint cameras?

    I have two spypoints (MP8 maybe) and they were very reliable. I used the rechargeable battery packs. They would last for nearly the entire season. A little more money up front but very much worth it! I wish I still had the connection as I would buy more after trying some other brands since then.
  19. showstopper

    youth season questions

    I believe that the youth tag is good for the youth season, then one of the gun seasons that you declare. Meaning that you couldn't keep hunting during every season but rather declare one as your season you choose to attempt to fill the youth tag. Muzzleloaders can be used in every gun season...
  20. showstopper

    Strutter decoys

    I just wanted to get everyone's strategy/experiences with strutter decoys. I bought a DSD strutter and have the wing feathers and fan on the decoy. Had two big toms run in from 150 yds away just to stop at 50 yds and not fully commit. I didn't call until they hung up and then only purred...
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