Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. E

    Wal Mart Bushnell cam pics

    Which one is this, the camo one or the brown colored Bushnell?
  2. E

    2nd season troubles.

    I've Sat until 3 every day since Saturday,and after early am not any action. I though that same thing, try to catch one lonely after 10 or so and it would be history for him. I think since the season is slighly altered this year I should of tried first season.
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    2nd season troubles.

    Many of you had good success 2nd season. I hunted Saturday through Tuesday. I am no turkey expert but what I believe I witnesses is the peak breeding/hen'ed up period because I had virtually no gobbling after Saturday. I was just curious if anyone else had similiar results. I was hunting in...
  4. E

    Nice 3yo 10pt

    Kinda what I was thinking..very nice deer that made it none the less!
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    I have one in wood/blued and love the thing. I was told it was important how you broke them in for long term durability, so I was suggested to shoot 200 rounds through it back to back (shot several Clays that day) and it has functioned beautifully ever since. Going on about six years now...
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    I would buy it if your willing to ship it froze to me in des Moines.
  7. E

    First 2 ready for the wall

    If you only knew, and its far from just whitetails this year too lol.
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    First 2 ready for the wall

    Some of the most talented taxidermist can be found outside of a phone book, trust me I know! On a side note, mounts are looking clean breiner.
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    ? About Euro Mount

    The reason your bear skull turned yellow is because they didn't degrease it properly. Bears are greasy animals. Yellowing can also showup in deer euro mounts if not done properly.
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    Pistol Scopes

    I'm going to top my raging bull with the new NIKON force xr I think. They say they were tested using the s&w 500 so I feel safe my .454 will keep it at zero with out blowing up the scope.
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    Late Muzzleloader Movement Update

    Hunted tonight and seen a load of deer. And a magnun shooter that ill be setup for tomorrow. I was in a spot where I normally see 7-10 deer and I seen 19 tonight in this spot. There were others on this farm that seen more then normal numbers too so id say they were on the move tonight with the...
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    Predator camo

    I got some last year that when it arrived had 3d deception tags on it but it is fleece and kind of hard to tell compared to normal clothing. I will say I am very disappointed with their quality on my two different sets of predator camo. I have seams blowing out and fraying everywhere. Next go...
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    Help with Score and Age

    Too hard to tell from pics but below 120's and 2.5 is my guess.
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    Opinions on the morning...

    Sounds to me you might be burned out from going every second since opening day. I learned to pace myself and save my consistant hunting days for November. But like others said now is the time of year where your whole season can literally change in seconds. Play the wind and enjoy yourself!
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    I've been told a good Sharp broadhead and 55lbs can kill anything in north America.
  16. E

    Thanksgiving Week?

    21st through the 27th
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    Pedestal mount

    Check out taxidermy.net and search for pedestal pics and you'll find plenty of examples of awesome looking habitat setups.
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    What are the odds I find him?

    Almost every single deer that I have had troubles finding was by water. I've even had them double back on me so just because a creek is in the opposite direction from where he ran after the shot don't ever rule it out.
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    What are the odds I find him?

    Quartering too or from any?
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    Allison's October Decoy Buck!

    Congrats on a beautiful whitetail!! you score this hoss yet?
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