Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. E

    scent free

    For me everytime I sweat in them OR every 3 sits..
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    I switched from rages to the g5 t3's. Main and only reason other then being made out of steel is the ease of blade changing. I can't get the dang blades out of a rage since they switched to that knurled pin.
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    Another anonymous WIDE GIANT

    Just showed my wife this pic and she said "Damn that rack looks like a hanukkah candle set!"
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    I tan my own, but have heard nothing but good things about Spartan.
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    I started using the g5 t3's last year coming from rages. I can't get the blades out of the rage head with their new knurled pin design that holds the blades in the ferrule. That is why I switched.I shot 2 deer last year with the t3's and the blades remained Sharp and are built much stronger due...
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    Your neck of the woods slowing down?

    sounds like 4th and long for me, so I have to go no holds barred tomorrow and see if I can't get it done. Im definately hoping for the best..
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    Your neck of the woods slowing down?

    Went out today and had a couple on roost gobble. it seems they hit the ground and ya never heard from them again. Do ya think its winding down pretty early or is it just my hunting area?
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    Spooked/shot at turkey question?

    I'm also thinking about leaving the decoy at home because of this experience..thoughts or suggestions during the middle-late 4th season?
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    Spooked/shot at turkey question?

    Just me and my hunting partner on this farm. And I said a week because we won't be back until this weekend lol. That makes me feel a little better. It seems bird numbers are way down from last year, so I had figured I could have blown my only chance.. I hope I have round two with him that's for...
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    Spooked/shot at turkey question?

    To make a long story short, I am wondering if a spooked, shot at turkey will return to the same spot after say..a week or so? I had a turkey this past weekend come in and he completly circled me, and ended up on the back side of my tree only feet away..I could see him out of the corner of my eye...
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    Looking for Capes

    If your wanting to practice on tanning, I might have a extra back hide from a deer. If your wanting practice mounting, I would buy a cape that is ready to mount that way you can dive in and get one mounted up. I started with a professionally tanned cape, which was shaved and basically ready...
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    Learning Taxidermy

    Ive been doing Taxidermy a little while now. I would assume your talking about mainly doing whitetail? If so, call up WASCO or go to www.Taxidermy.com and get one of their catalogs. When you recieve it, order the Rick Carter A to Z whitetail. That DVD alone is worth 10 times more then what...
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    Never stand up to ready yourself for a shot on a buck of a lifetime, without watching where all the does the big boy is following are watching..... They busted me big time to say the least
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    Iowa Conceal and Carry

    Yep, I took a "refresher" course at Scheels, got my new permit on the 3rd :way:
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    I bought the carry lite ez buck and I like it. The only complaint I could have is the paint chips off easily.
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    Movement update...

    Same thing here, had a shooter following 6 does at 3:50pm , after that never did see a deer again. And of course, all 6 does slipped through my shooting lane, and the buck stayed behind some scrub brush avoiding to much exposure. There's always tomorrow..
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    Movement update...

    Went out tonight after work and was able to sneak in about 3:30. Had the most buck productive night so far in this particular stand. Had a few deer ranging from yearling to 4.5 clearly cruzing looking for any stragglers they may have missed. Just nothing mature that I wanted to harvest...
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    Harvest Dates

    November 10th
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    This past week I actually witnessed a single coyote chase a mature doe and her fawn across a pasture. and within the 260 acre farm I have permission to hunt, I can hear about 4 or 5 different "packs" chiming off like they do at day break and dusk.
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    Turkey Taxidermist

    Brian Keltner did a turkey for me before I got into taxidermy myself a little while back. He was the lowest at the time @ $450 and he is out of van meter. If you are looking for the best at birds, Cory the owner of wildlife illusions is your man.
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