Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. E

    Right/Permit to Carry

    I would say if its concealed and on the person, YES! I carry mine with me everytime I am in the stand. Are you saying something recently passed that doesn't allow this?
  2. E

    Bow Sights

    x2 on the G5. I have one, and can say they are built nicely, and their finish is nice as well. It matches my bow almost perfect.
  3. E

    Late Season Question

    Man, I need to be hunting with you guys during 4th. I hunt in Wayne county and it seems the last couple years during 4th Id hear about 4 or 5 gobblers on the roost, and as soon as they hit the ground you would not hear them the rest of the day!!
  4. E

    Stuffer deke question.

    Thats alot of dough to fork out to use as a decoy, but if you must, and your asking for my opinion, I would mount it in full strut, and use a standard jake decoy for your "half" strut days...
  5. E

    Story county luck?

    Well they say dont judge a book by its cover, but i walked the ground I have permission on yesterday and not a single track :( So far there have only been 7 reported harvests in story county, but I suppose I should still give it a shot...
  6. E

    Story county luck?

    Well that is a little assuring. So i take it they are gobbling good?
  7. E

    Story county luck?

    This will be my first ever hunting story county (maxwell) and after looking and the current harvests there, it isn't looking to promising.... Any of you guys and gals having much luck in that area?
  8. E

    Day of firsts!

    Looks like the peep"n Tom brought em in! good job.
  9. E

    Your "Go To" Turkey Call

    I like almost all of the HS stuff. My personal favorate to date is the "tech 3" diaphram, and I bought the Ring zone last year in the slate and glass flavor, they are decent too, but if I had to run to the woods with one and onlly call, it would be the diaphram. I just can't get any of the...
  10. E

    Preserving mounts

    Drew, hopefully this link works. Its from a taxidermy website I belong to.... http://www.taxidermy.net/forum/index.php/topic,203680.0.html good luck!
  11. E

    Predator Camo

    I have the fall grey and really like it so far.....
  12. E

    fred bear attack

    Seen one out at the Jordan Creek Scheels. The limbs look similiar to an X force or Monster. Kinda neat looking bow, but im happy with all my current bows.
  13. E

    Squirrel Tourney????

    I have never participated in one, but have a good friend that has. a couple things I can remember, was that they had a points system for a "body shot" vs. a "head shot". Another thing he said, they were limited to air rifles and 22LR's.
  14. E

    Nikon Coyote Special

    I don't have the coyote special, but if its like any other Nikon scope that I have personally purchased, you'll like it. My Nikon Omega has stayed true on my muzzleloader since I first set the zero.
  15. E

    Peep'n Tom

    This is the same decoy setup I am going to purchase next year. I believe it is slighltly smaller then the Pretty Boy but it folds up like a B mobile. And it has change out heads. if i remember right, it comes with a hen decoy:confused: Can't remember the price tag though....
  16. E

    Bow hunting during gun season

    If i remember correct, a Bow during shotgun was NOT a legal method of take. Im sure it will say in the regs book, but I do not have one in front of me.
  17. E

    mature deer cape needed

    If you check out Taxidermy.net/forum under the forsale section there are always whitetail capes on there. If you search hard enough I have seen some recently from here in Iowa. I am sure you can find one very reasonable (around 40-70 bucks shipped) Good luck!
  18. E

    New to Bows

    I had this same question a couple years back when I started bow hunting. I ended up buying new. One if not the biggest reasons was you knew exactly what the history is on with the bow. no dry fires, no falls from a tree stand, how many arrows went though the thing, string life etc. But...
  19. E

    the latest?!

    I hunted down in wayne co. from noon till dark saturday. I had deer running every where like field mice from noon til 2:00. From 2pm till last shooting light was slow. then picked up right at last light. Seen several deer including a mature 150+ at 2pm. not very responsive to calls but did...
  20. E

    2009-10 running doe count

    2 more for me 34.......
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