New Member
The day started at 4am when cooter pulled in the drive ,day two of trying to get my first long beard ever,and with a bow on top of that .Seeing as this was only my second turkey hunt i left the calling and setup to cooter. We had went to my hunting ground the day before to locate some birds but couldn't get a response ,just as we were getting ready to leave we noticed a tom strutting on the nieghbors pasture. Thinking the bird would come too roost on our side of the fence we set the blind and pulled out . We got in the blind at ten after 5 this morning and waited for the birds to sound of and let us know if we had made the right call. At about 545 the first gobble rang out and i got pretty excited,in the following 30 minutes wit some great calling from cooter we determined that there were at least two toms and one jake in the distance. after a few more calling sessions things had got quiet when i noticed something moving on the ridge to the north of us,then a gobble rang out. It sounded like a jake to me , i told cooter the day before if i got the chance at a jake i was going to take him. About ten minutes later the bird noticed the strutting decoy and within two minutes he had covered the 250 yards between us. At four yards i let the Z7 eat and had my first turkey ever.
Afew more firsts for the morning ,first blood on the new bow ,first double for cooter as he took a tom at 8am from the same setup,i'll let him tell the story, first hunt on video !
I cant thank josh enough for all he did to make this happen, this will be one of my most cherished memories as long as i live.
My tom wieghed in at 23lbs 15oz,1 1/4 spurs, 11 in beard.
Cooters tom was 24lbs 10oz,1 1/2 and 1in spurs, 9 1/2 in beard.
Cooters bird.
Afew more firsts for the morning ,first blood on the new bow ,first double for cooter as he took a tom at 8am from the same setup,i'll let him tell the story, first hunt on video !
I cant thank josh enough for all he did to make this happen, this will be one of my most cherished memories as long as i live.
My tom wieghed in at 23lbs 15oz,1 1/4 spurs, 11 in beard.
Cooters tom was 24lbs 10oz,1 1/2 and 1in spurs, 9 1/2 in beard.

Cooters bird.