Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    Muzzleloader Help

    Haven't heard anything bad about the accura. You can find a better deal though. Probably around 400
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    PSE DNA or Mathews Helim

    Don't know which is truly better but you're gonna hear Mathews a lot
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    Heads UP,Another Mild Winter:

    I found a tick on me yesterday while I was taking my stand down. I was only outside of my truck for 10 minutes or so. I couldn't believe it.
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    What does hunting mean to you?

    I'm pretty much in line with streeter. A good friend of mine said "the best part of being in the woods is that no two sits are the same. " I enjoy watching squirrels, birds, raccoons, and of course deer. Then when a deer you want to shoot is spotted, the heart rate speeds up and the adrenaline...
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    Tree stand safety harness FREE

    I still have 4. Will ship for free to any member ALL HAVE BEEN GIVEN AWAY! Happy to help any hunter stay safe.
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    I have taken a beating by a few for passing

    Haha same here. If I draw on a doe.... I'm fully committed. Unless ofcourse there's no shot.
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    yote hunting

    I first tried coyote hunting last year. It can be VERY difficult. After probably 30 sets last winter, I had called in 4 yotes, shot at none, and obviously killed none. Yotes are very smart. They come in in unexpected places. They don't like to run across open fields if at all possible. They...
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    Slug hunters sub forum?

    Lets just be honest, I hunt bow and shotgun. But I hunt the same way no matter what I'm using. To me, killing an animal when they don't know i'm there is my style. It's about stealth. Sneaking in unnoticed. Not being smelled. Taking precaution and preparation. Monitoring wind direction. Etc etc...
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    20 Ga. Shotgun Question

    I shoot the exact same setup. Same gun and ammo. I was told the ballistics are very similar to the hornady 20 ga sst. I'd check that out. Also, if you aren't going to even shoot 100 yards, why sight in at 75? And why know the drop at 150? I sighted in at 50, figuring 100 yards would be my max.
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    Blue Tongue

    Way to be a good hunter and conserve what we still have. I bought two archery doe tags, I shot a button buck with one of them, and the other tag is still sitting on my dresser. I won't be using it this year. So there's two does that I let live. One was unintentional, the other I'm purposefully...
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    INPUT on rut movement! need reviews

    Wouldn't surprise me if you saw some rut action. I'm pretty sure I rattled in my buck that I shot on Sunday. He came right up to my stand at 1030am, he was just walking, he wasn't pushed or anything.
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    Blue Tongue

    Lets be realistic here. I completely agree that deer numbers are down. I just moved here this year, but with ehd and everything, it's definitely believable. But just because 18 hunters only got two deer and they usually tag out, doesn't mean that the deer population is 1/10th of what it has been...
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    Crab Claws

    Euro it is!
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    Crab Claws

    I have never had any of these scored so I cant really go by score. 2008 Indiana Shotgun (best to date) Shoulder mounted. 2012 Iowa Archery: Skull mount 2012 Indiana Shotgun: Shoulder mount coming 2012 Iowa Shotgun: Either shoulder mount, or skull
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    Crab Claws

    I'm offended! I'm a Boilermaker! But if you are just saying I look like a stud football player, I'm fine with that. Seriously though, I don't know if be is worthy of a shoulder mount. Ill post pics of my current wall hangers and y'all can give me some ideas. It's hard cause all my bucks are in a...
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    Cold feet?

    The best thing I ever did was simply loosen my shoe strings... You need good blood flow if you want those feet to stay warm
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    Crab Claws

    So my next question. I know this is a matter of opinion, but is this buck shoulder mount worthy? Or just skull mount? I'm on the fence
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    Crab Claws

    Swampwright, I really like the savage bolt action shotgun. I haven't really gotten to test it's range much. I sighted it in at 50 yards without bags or a vice. I just sat at a bench and rest the forstock on a rolled up sweatshirt. I got it close but I'd like do some 100 yard practice. My only...
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    Crab Claws

    A little background... So my lease consists of 100 acres of CRP, with wooded fencerows around the outside. My buddy and I ran trail cameras since August and we didn't catch many shooters. One week in October, it got down in the 20's a few nights, and we caught two shooters. We hunted all bow...
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    Bleep!!! I forgot my........

    I forgot TP once this year. I had an extra pair of socks in my truck though ;) they were nice and soft!
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