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Crab Claws


New Member
A little background...

So my lease consists of 100 acres of CRP, with wooded fencerows around the outside. My buddy and I ran trail cameras since August and we didn't catch many shooters. One week in October, it got down in the 20's a few nights, and we caught two shooters. We hunted all bow season and never saw them, or any other decent bucks. Needless to say, we were kind of second guessing ourselves about leasing the property. We had gotten pictures of plenty of deer, and there was a lot of sign, but only a couple pictures of shooters. From hunting it in bow season, everything seemed very slow. Does would meander in and out of the CRP and that was about it.


Things were pretty slow for me. I saw an 8 poitner right at first light, but I decided to wait for something bigger. Then about 20 minutes later, just like people have said, it sounded like WWIII was going on all around me. After two hours of listening to about 20 shots every fifteen minutes, I was kicking myself for not taking the 8 pointer. I saw several does late in the morning, but they were all moving through quickly as they had surely been pushed off of a neighboring property. Yesterday evening, I saw 4 deer out in the middle of the CRP, but it was so dark, I couldn't even tell what they were.


It was slow today too, though I only heard a few shots all morning. Apparently the troops had moved out. Or maybe the dense fog had something to do with it. I saw a basket rack 8, and 3 does up to 10AM and I was about to call it quits and end my deer/shotgun season (since I have to work and my lease is a good 50 minutes away). I had my rattle bag with me, so I figured it couldn't hurt. I rattled for 5 minutes, nearly as loud as I could with the bag, which isn't all that loud. After 20 minutes or so, I hadn't seen anything. 5 minutes later, I heard something walking along the fenceline I was hunting. I couldn't see anything until I spotted a buck at 35 yards, walking down the trail that runs along the fencerow. He was a nice 10! I got my gun up, I forgot I had my scope on 9 power because all the deer I'd seen were out at 100+ yards. I went to take the shot and all I saw was brown fur! I located the shoulder, moved over a little and when he walked right in front of me, 10 yards away, I pulled the trigger.

The buck ran 80ish yards and tipped over. I couldn't believe it. I had never seen this buck before after 4 months of running trail cams. Infact I hadn't seen hardly any bucks. Also, I had never seen a deer walk that trail. And I shot him at 10:30 AM. Unbelievable. The odds were stacked against me and I had pretty much given up hope. What an emotional swing!

He isn't a monster, but he looks very mature to me. Huge body and a huge head. Nice mass too. Your thoughts on age and score? Also what are those markings on his back? from fighting?




You'll pry hear a lot of answers on that but Im pretty sure the markings on the back are tick bites. Two years ago I shot one that the hide looked exact and the tannery told me tick bites. Couldnt tan the hide as the fur was slipping everywhere. Had to find a new cape for the mount.
Swampwright, I really like the savage bolt action shotgun. I haven't really gotten to test it's range much. I sighted it in at 50 yards without bags or a vice. I just sat at a bench and rest the forstock on a rolled up sweatshirt. I got it close but I'd like do some 100 yard practice. My only complaint is that the clip can rattle around a little and penetration was not real great. You can see in the pictures that there was no exit wound on this deer. And it was a 10 yard shot! I found the bullet just under the skin on the exit side. The shot didn't even hit shoulder or anything. Maybe it was a ammo issue. The bullet expanded very well thought. Remington 3" 20 GA, accutip.
So my next question. I know this is a matter of opinion, but is this buck shoulder mount worthy? Or just skull mount? I'm on the fence
INative said:
So my next question. I know this is a matter of opinion, but is this buck shoulder mount worthy? Or just skull mount? I'm on the fence

Its more of a personal opinion. In my opinion, Id probably mount him but thats cause I only have one on the wall and thats a 138" I shot 2 yrs ago
Congrats, I'd say he may go 140. If you are on the fence about a shoulder mount you probably shouldn't. If its worthy of a shoulder mount you would know it and wouldn't have to think about it.

Has anyone told you you like similiar to James Vanden Berg?
I'm offended! I'm a Boilermaker! But if you are just saying I look like a stud football player, I'm fine with that. Seriously though, I don't know if be is worthy of a shoulder mount. Ill post pics of my current wall hangers and y'all can give me some ideas. It's hard cause all my bucks are in a similar class. I shot 3 main frame ten pointers this year. One is getting a shoulder mount, the other is getting a skull mount, and I don't know if my standards should go up or n
I have never had any of these scored so I cant really go by score.

2008 Indiana Shotgun (best to date) Shoulder mounted.

2012 Iowa Archery: Skull mount

2012 Indiana Shotgun: Shoulder mount coming

2012 Iowa Shotgun: Either shoulder mount, or skull
I would do a euro mount. Thats what i did with my bow deer from last year and looks great im just as happy, saved the money and get it on your wall in days. I have six mounted and to be honest wont mount another one.
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