Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. I

    Bleep!!! I forgot my........

    I have a pretty good one. Earlier this season after an unsuccessful morning hunt, I went to a buddy's house and shot some targets. Went back out for the evening hunt, I was half way to my stand (about 200 yards). I notice a deer out in the field I'm planning to hunt. So I take like 30 minutes to...
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    Mid morning movement

    I heard you can kill big mature bucks while lounging at home. I haven't tried it yet but it's worth a shot.
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    cant wait

    I'm in the exact same boat! I'm bored. I have another doe tag but I don't feel like dealing with everything after the kill. I don't have a good place to put a deer when I kill it so its a big hassle.
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    First Time Bow Hunter= First Bow Buck

    So how does it feel, getting the job done with a bow? Not only did you pick up hunting, you added a little extra challenge! Congrats. Are you hooked now?
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    Evening hunts during the rut.

    When I can, I go for half and half. Ill tuck a stand ten yards into the timber with plenty of shooting lanes to the field. This helps me not get spotted by deer in the field. Then ill hang the stand so that I'm facing pretty much in line with to field edge. It gets tricky though when factoring...
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    Need Advice

    I shot my archery buck this year out of a stand I set up that same afternoon. Take the risk. It's prime time right now and you never know what would've happened if you don't do it.
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    tree stand noise

    True but if they are weary, they will look. And once they look your direction and you're in a ladder stand, which aren't very far off the ground typically, they've got you nailed. Especially true if they had smelled you a little, but not enough to alert them at first.
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    Live hunt - 11/9

    Really? I hate it. You can see a lot of ground but you are also easily seen! That's how it is for me. Too easy to skyline me in the dang fence row. Oh and when you go to draw, you have to be insanely stealth to stand and draw when the deer are out in the open like that. Unless they are...
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    close encounter

    I'd be hunting that area cause apparently you were in his territory! Haha glad he didn't get you!
  10. I

    Wtb tree stand

    http://desmoines.craigslist.org/spo/3395489504.html Merry Christmas
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    tree stand noise

    I thought about this some time ago. I haven't done anything yet, but I plan to spray the foot platform with a rubber coating. Like bed liner or undercoating. Let it sit outside for a while so it doesn't ruin your scent control. Then place a rubber mat directly under the foot platform to catch...
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    Land Lovers?

    I'm leasing for about $7 an acre
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    Wtb tree stand

    Craigslist man
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    Go Romney/Ryan

    On a funny note... I went to a local gun shop today. The owner went off on a crazy rant about how he doesn't know why he spent 20 years in the service just for bama to throw it all away. He said now we need a war, except this time it needs to be at home. I thought that was a little extreme...
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    Questionable Hit

    I guess maybe my last post is a little too positive. I'd say in the middle of the neck with 2" of blade, your chances are good. Could be an exception though.
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    Questionable Hit

    Yes he is dead if you hit him in the middle of the neck. People used to shoot does in the neck a lot. Some still do. Good job backing out. You'll get him tomorrow
  17. I

    Buck down!!

    It's easy to get caught up in the numbers! It's only my second archery buck though. Plenty more years for a bigger one! Not quite worthy of a shoulder mount, but the taxidermy already has him for a skull mount. Anyone use scovel taxidermy? They were a little higher priced but the lady I talked...
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    Iowa Someday?????

    Well I'm heading home to Indiana the whole week of thanksgiving to hunt their firearms season with my brother and I'm really looking forward to hunting the ground I grew up hunting and exploring!
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    Iowa Someday?????

    I don't know where you are from in Indiana but I just moved out here to iowa from Indiana. And I haven't seen anything telling me that the deer here are that much bigger at all. Ill say that there may be a few more monsters here than there are in Indiana but I haven't seen them yet! Just stay...
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    scrape pics

    Sweet bucks! Neither really look too crazy old to me. 4.5 to 5.5 BUT I'm not all that good at this game. Shooters in my book. Get one!
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