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Iowa Someday?????


New Member
Iowa Is on my Bucket List, and I sure hope that I can check it off someday, Maybe next year? What part of the State would you go Hunt If given The choice? What do I need to do? And I want to Bow Hunt Only? I didnt Join here to have someone Hand me a Place to Hunt, although that would be Nice? I joined Because I love Deer Hunting, and I figured If I am going to Kill a 150+ Buck I need to Go West, Iowa Happens to be On my Bucket List, and I love Iowa, I am so Envey of anyone that Lives in Iowa, You have the Best State to Kill a Mature Buck My Opnion. Ok So If someone could Point me in the right Direction Please. Reverse the Role I would bend over Back wards to Help anyone of you Hunt Indiana, Oh and I own 88 acers In Ky,But I can Hunt appx 300+ acers thats Faimly owned?:way:

Thank you For your Time.
Dave Worsley/ AKA---splinter2

Your Right, I could stay here in Indiana? I just Have this Love for Iowa, and I have always wanted to Hunt Iowa for Deer someday. I know its hard for some to understand, It go way Back, I was told by my Grandad that he would Take me to Iowa and Hunt real Deer, I have heard that since I can remember, So That where I get it from, Well Papa Gone, and I just Fill I neeed to Do this, and A part of him will be with me, I didnt mean to get Mushy...But Thats the story.
Well then, make it happen. If you are going to invest the money to get a tag you might as well work on making connections or finding a good outfitter. In my opinion (some certainly will disagree), but if you are going to pay that much for the tag at least give yourself a chance at shooting a big, mature deer by hunting somewhere or with someone who can help make that happen (private land in good areas with good habitat or an outfitter who can help put you in a similar location).
Not sure why you think you need to go west to kill a 150+? I thought Indian, Ohio, and Kentucky produced their fair share of big bucks? X2 on what Skyleralan said. Last thing you want to do is spend the $ for a tag and drive over to Iowa without a solid game plan. Unless you have connections I would go the outfitter route. FYI, put your app in now because it can take a few years to draw an archery tag in Iowa. As far as where to go/look, anywhere there is timber and good deer habitat. North West and North Central Iowa deer are a little more scarce but big bucks get whacked in all 99 counties.
Your welcome to Iowa.

I just don't understand why people travel to hunt what they have in their own back yards. :confused:

Mobile Cooter using IW
I don't know where you are from in Indiana but I just moved out here to iowa from Indiana. And I haven't seen anything telling me that the deer here are that much bigger at all. Ill say that there may be a few more monsters here than there are in Indiana but I haven't seen them yet! Just stay away from the huge tracks of timber and hunt agricultural areas. Deer here eat corn and deer in Indiana eat corn too. I too had the belief that iowa was the best state to whitetail hunt. Hunting shows kind of put iowa up on a pedestal, but trust me, you still have to put your time in to get a good buck in iowa, just the same as Indiana. But if its a sentimental thing, then do what you want to do.
I think it also has something to do with just wanting to try hunting in a different location. My wife has an aunt and uncle that live and have land in northern Minnesota and have been wanting us to come hunt for several years. I know the chance of shooting a big deer is way better here in Iowa, but would love an opportunity to hunt the north woods. I would also like to hunt the Milk River area some day. It's just a change of scenery, and not just the size of deer that may be important.
I hear ya, I want to try as many states as possible before I can't hunt anymore. Bow, shotgun, rifle, muzzleloader... whatever works sounds like fun!! I'm in the process of trying to put together a quick opening weekend rifle hunt in Missouri in the next day or two.

Put in for some points, good luck drawing, have fun when you get here!!
Well I'm heading home to Indiana the whole week of thanksgiving to hunt their firearms season with my brother and I'm really looking forward to hunting the ground I grew up hunting and exploring!
I'll help you out a little. Look in the western part of the state. Monona and Harrison counties have some large tracts of public ground that hold a lot of nice bucks.
Blaine, Thank you for a start? I have several Months, so Iam going to research this, and I have not ruled out a Guide, But I really do not have that Kinda Money? Altiman94, I have been treated well since I have been here.
I would look for large tracts that you can get away from people. Those are some of the best I have found. the big reservoirs in the state can be really good as well. There are some wicked willow bottoms in them. don't come out to iowa with a climber. Bring a good mobile set up with sticks. Come out in the spring and walk around them. You won't have many issues with people bow season.
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