Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. I

    Opinions Needed

    I agree! I was going to have to buy a $200 slug barrel for my mossberg 835. I figure I may as well get a whole new gun.
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    Opinions Needed

    I'd buy the shotgun from you. Pm me if you want to sell it. I live in Ankeny.
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    Wind Currents

    Yeah it's a used railroad. I've walked down it before to get to my stand. It sits up about 25 feet above the surrounding land. That creek is a little too deep to navigate though, especially in the dark. That would be a rude awakening to be walking along at 530 am and fall in a hole head deep...
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    Wind Currents

    In the evenings they either meander to a corn field to the east which I can't hunt or they head to the SW and enter the woods right at the lower left of the picture.
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    Wind Currents

    I like that idea. Seems like the does always cross the creek there in the mornings and bed in the crp about 40 or 50 yards south of my stand. I'm hoping to catch some bucks doggin them like a saw last weekend. For some reason it seems like all the action is just south of my stand. I've sat on...
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    Wind Currents

    Hey guys, I have attached a picture of my one of my hunting spots. I am trying to figure out how to set up for the wind. My question is: How does wind flow around creeks that are about 15 feet lower than the surrounding land aka the banks are 15 feet high? If I have a south wind, will my scent...
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    Cant wait!

    I too am looking forward to hunting this November. It does get depressing when you think you have an awesome spot and you just don't see anything. Patterning whitetails is impossible during the rut so just hang tight cause eventually, the action will arrive and you've got to be ready!
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    New here

    Nice choice on the PSE Brute. I bought one new last year and I've killed 3 deer with it already. Killed every deer ive shot at. It's a nice bow really. I read a ton of reviews on it and even people who bought it is a backup to their Hoyt or Mathews said they thought it great. Some even used it...
  9. I

    What time do you guys get into the stand?

    Whenever you can! No matter what time you get into the stand, there's always a chance you'll kick up deer. If you ever sit all day, you'll notice that deer often leave bedding areas all throughout the day. Oftentimes they get up and browse for a few minutes and the bed down in areas you...
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    They Are Ready

    Its getting pretty good in Marion county. Saturday morning saw two 140"+ bucks chasing, but never came closer than 200 yards. (I have pretty good binos). Sat. evening saw 4 small bucks, and a couple does. Bucks started fighting in an adjacent corn field. Tonight, a buck chased 3 does right by...
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    Latest Check!

    Why isnt #3 #1? 3 is a beast, the other two are definitely nice deer as well!
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    New to Iowa Whitetails

    If you can hunt Coues, you shouldn't have a single problem with our Whitetails up here.. besides the regular problems we all have.. wind/scent, spooking deer on the way in/out, getting cold hands and feet (not much of this yet this year), looking at still weeds before its completely light...
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    Too early to rattle??

    Good luck out there! At least you've missed most of the rain. Ought to have a few good days of hunting weather.
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    Leased land

    I got my 110 acre lease for $750 a year. BUT it's like 100 acres of crp and some wooded fence rows lol. Needless to say, I'll be hunting for a cruiser buck this year.
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    Slow year

    Seems like common issue. I hunt about 110 acres, and only about 5 acres are timber. Had my trail cams out for 7 weeks and just started seeing a few good bucks last week. Checked one of my cams tonight and there was almost nothing all week. I'm guessing its because it got warm again this week...
  16. I

    Any luck today?

    Saw between 9 and 15 does. 9 came out of the bedding area. Some went to the bedding area. May have been the same deer. I was pretty much covered up the last hour of daylight. Few of the does passed downwind of me at about 20 yards, of course, but they were not spooked, just a little weary. Then...
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    hunt updates

    It didn't seem like the movement was all that great this morning. I expected to see a lot of deer out considering this morning was so cool, if not the coldest morning this fall. I drove around some this morning after work. Didn't see a single deer. Maybe some of you who went out hunting can...
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    crappy feeling!!

    I know the feeling, but you have to stay positive. Yes, it sucks, and any decent hunter hates wounding game, but it happens to the best of us... even the pro hunters. There are plenty more does out there. Arrow must have missed vitals. Keep hunting. If you arent confident in your shooting, take...
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    New cruiser bucks??

    Interesting topic. I had my trail cams out for the last 8 weeks on my 110 acres (almost all in crp, maybe 5 acres timber) and i never saw a decent buck for the first 7 weeks. Last weekend I checked my cams and I had two, maybe three shooters, and they all came at night. I'd venture to say they...
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    2012 Trail Cams Choices

    I know this thread is a little old and everybody probably bought all their cams for this year BUT I recently got a couple of the new Moultrie m-80xd's and they are amazing for the $. Great battery life. Good clear pictures. Awesome for $140. Most of the cheaper cameras have a very long delay...
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