Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. baggin_bucks

    Grampa's Trip to wyoming

    [ QUOTE ] What happened to the "good old days?" [/ QUOTE ] Great Pics! love those old ones, thanks for sharing.
  2. baggin_bucks

    More poacher problems

    [ QUOTE ] I hunted a lot last fall in southern iowa, and it seemed every night right at last light, rifle shots would echo throughout the country, maybe they were just shooting coyotes, but I highly doubt it. [/ QUOTE ] I go down and bow hunt my uncle's farm every year. I'm always...
  3. baggin_bucks

    NWSG ?'s / Suggestions Welcome

    [ QUOTE ] Sorry Jeremy, didnt mean to hijack this thread. I wish I had as much area to work with as you do. Whichever species you plant I think you'll definately like the improvement and think it was worth the effort. [/ QUOTE ] No need to appoligize, I love reading every one of them
  4. baggin_bucks

    NWSG ?'s / Suggestions Welcome

    [ QUOTE ] and if none of that works...it was all thier idea... [/ QUOTE ] I won't hold anyone responsible....LOL! I'm going to give it a try. If it doesn't work out I guess I can't say I never tried Once again I really appreciate all the help guys!!!
  5. baggin_bucks

    NWSG ?'s / Suggestions Welcome

    Pharmer, This part does not hardly flood. In the last five years that I've owned it the water level has never been even close to being outside the timber. The whole farm was actually put into wetlands by the previous owner. It's a long story but he was paid a lump sum and it now cannot be put...
  6. baggin_bucks

    NWSG ?'s / Suggestions Welcome

    [ QUOTE ] Burning it sure wouldnt hurt by the looks of it Just a suggestion [/ QUOTE ] Funny you mention that! Been there tried that notice I said tried Too dang hard on my blood pressure Thankfully we keep everything under control but I didn't like any part of it. Seriously...
  7. baggin_bucks

    NWSG ?'s / Suggestions Welcome

    I have canary grass covering almost all of my bottom ground that is not timber. I would love to get a stand of NWSG in it's place but don't know if it would be a waste of time/money considering how invasive the canary grass is. I do have one small section of about 5 acres that was brome...
  8. baggin_bucks

    critters around my new blind

    Great Pics! Thanks for sharing
  9. baggin_bucks

    Sort of interesting

    Sweet Shovel, You'll know what he scores before you even measure him!!! Good Luck harvesting him.
  10. baggin_bucks

    Things are getting hot!!!!

    My dad took this picture this morning off of his deck. The buck just finished tending a doe.
  11. baggin_bucks

    Neat Pic

    Nothing big....thought it was a neat pic though.
  12. baggin_bucks

    Another Recurve Buck..

    nice one!
  13. baggin_bucks


    Ours is planted really thick. When my dad planted it he planted corn right along with the sorghum. Doing this would work great for a situation like you have. The only thing is you need the right planter to do it. Ours is a old 4 row JD. I don't remember the model # it doesn't have plates of...
  14. baggin_bucks


    I haven't ever really noticed the deer eating it that much. I plant it more for the pheasant and turkeys. The deer do like to bed in the bigger patches of it though.
  15. baggin_bucks

    what do you think?

    Haven't posted for awhile. First pic I've got of this guy...just wondering what you guys think as far as age and score. I'm thinking 2.5 maybe 3.5 yrs and 120 - 130'ish am I far off?
  16. baggin_bucks

    Daughters first turkey hunt (video)

    That is awesome! Congrats on the turkey
  17. baggin_bucks

    Happy Birthday to

    Happy B-day Muddy
  18. baggin_bucks

    Fun with fire...

    [ QUOTE ] my pucker hasn't recovered from the last time... [/ QUOTE ] LOL
  19. baggin_bucks

    Fun with fire...

    Great post. I burned off about 6 acres of canary grass 3 wks ago. I planted an acre of cedars in one area and the rest is going to RR beans this year and switchgrass next. That canary grass is a pain in the ars to kill.
  20. baggin_bucks

    What the heck is a doubletree anyway??

    Thanks for sharing the story Dbltree, Stories like that put a person back to reality once in awhile. It makes you sit here and be thankful for the times you do have with your loved ones.
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