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What the heck is a doubletree anyway??


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Well, it is one of these:



and what could it possibly have to do with hunting? Doubletree Farms was the name of my Dad’s farm when I was growing up. Dad was an electrician, farmer, hunter and had his own bluegrass band. He took me on my first hunting adventure when I was 14, to Wyoming. I managed to take a mulie and an antelope on that trip, but the one thing I will never forget is pulling into a little spot to camp, only to find trash strewn everywhere from previous hunters. My Dad was furious and we did not unpack a thing until we cleaned up that entire area! Like most good fathers, mine taught me not only about farming and hunting but about life, about hard work and following orders, which of course as a teen I rebelled against.
As we, both got older we enjoyed many hunting trips together along with my younger brother. When my brother moved to Idaho, my Dad and I would drive out and hunt elk, deer and bear with him. Sometimes walking back to camp in the dark, I would hear his fiddle playing to the snap and crackle of the campfire.
One such trip my Dad…talking and laughing with us, suddenly fell over. We did CPR and sent for help, which of course was 50 miles away via back roads. I held his hand and prayed but I knew in my heart he was gone. A little part of me died that day and it took me a long time to get over it. Tim McGraw sings a song “I Don’t Know Why They Say Grown Men Don’t Cry”…I don’t know either…

So the doubletree hanging at the entrance to our driveway and my abbreviated “name” on IW are just a small tribute to my Dad and all the memories that still travel thru the hills and valleys of my mind. As Paul Harvey says… “and that is the rest of the story”
Very, very cool. Thanks for sharing your story. I am to thankful to be able to share the outdoors with my father and can't imagine him not being around. But I know some day I will walk into the woods with his memory and my son so I am enjoying every minute of it...
Society would measure your Dad's life by many different standards. However, words such as yours are the true measure of a fathers life and I would say your Dad's life was a huge success. We can all only hope that our children feel some of those thoughts about us after we are all gone.
Sounds like your dad and mine are cut from similar fabric. I'm fortunate to still have mine here, and always keep that in close perspective.

Thanks for your story.
What a way to go. I am sure he would not have wanted it any other way. Thanks for letting us in. Stories like that always hold a special place in my heart.
Great story dbltree!

I too spent more hours than I can count in the woods with my dad during the past 30 years. Now the drive to hunt with him is 4+ hours instead of 15 minutes. I was on the phone yesterday and debating whether or not to make the trip to hunt turkeys with him next weekend. After reading your post, it's a no-brainer...load the truck

Touching story! Those memories should carry you through a lifetime and will live on in the stories you tell your children.
Great story!!! I too spend 99% of time in the woods with my dad and I hope someday to have the same relationship with my son (whenever my wife and I have kids) and I wouldn't trade the time in the woods with him for anything.
Great way to remember your dad Dbltree. I enjoyed reading that alot.

Seems like I'm always playing catch-up with my kids trying to be like the father I have. He continues to set a pretty good example for me and I hope for many more years. Plans are in place for dad, son, and grandkids to have a morel picking day this spring.
I knew what a double tree was before but I didn't know who it is until now. Good job, good story, and best of all good memories. Keep the good works alive and growing in as many young people as you can possibly touch.
That was a very moving post that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up and thanks for sharing. Stories like those are what life is supposed to be all about.
Thanks for sharing the story Dbltree, Stories like that put a person back to reality once in awhile. It makes you sit here and be thankful for the times you do have with your loved ones.
Thanks for sharing that touching story. Those are the memories that make every outing with loved ones extra special. I must say when its my time to meet my maker I would want to go that very same way, and not lying in a hospital bed. God Bless.
What a great post. Your father sounds like he was a wonderful man. I don’t have any hunting experiences with my father, but he played the violin so I can relate to that. I can just imagine what it was like to be walking back to camp and hearing the sounds of the fiddle and the crackling of the fire. Priceless!
Sounds like you were very fortunate to have shared those campfires with your dad.

No amount of money can buy memories such as that.

Take care.
This post also shows some of us on what we have missed with our fathers, unfortunately my dad doesnt like to hunt. You guys and gals are lucky to be able to spend that kind of time alone with your parents, whether a father or mother. I envy all of you that can cherish those quiet moments in the timber with your parents. You guys are lucky indeed.
Thanks to all for your kind comments. Timberpig's mention of going turkey hunting with his Dad....just left me wishin....
Some time ago I "adopted a Dad" (aka hunting partner)...he'll be 70 this year and while getting slower, I still enjoy his friendship and stories from the past. He will have a place to hunt on my farm as long as he is able...and I quietly dread the day when he can no longer accompany me.
I treasure each day spent hunting and fishing with my son and I hope that I have the same impact on my sons life as my Dad did on mine.
The loss of my Dad reminds me daily, to tell my wife and son, how much I love them....just in case, as Garth Brooks sings...Tomorrow Never Comes...........
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