Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Dolph

    Fall teaser...whetting the appetite!

    Very cool!! Great job on the video!! Get's me pumped up!!
  2. Dolph

    'Nother Llunge`

    Nice job!! Great fish!!
  3. Dolph

    Non-resident Tags

    Thanks for the information. According to that, I got a tag!!! Woo Yoo!! I know I shouldn't get too excited, but I can't help it!! Cannot wait!! Nothing has ben on my mind as much as this!! What a great weekend, summer and now Fall!! Thanks again.
  4. Dolph

    Non-resident Tags

    Yep, Saturday the 18th!! I'll be on line at midnight Fri/Sat. Going crazy waiting!!
  5. Dolph

    Wolves Kill 4 Dogs

    My friends have bear baits on some public land outside of Eau Claire and have a couple pictures of a wolf from their trail camera. Can't figure out out how to attach the photos? They said a bear hound was killed near there.
  6. Dolph

    Little Helper

    Very cool!! My girls all loved and still love to shoot.
  7. Dolph

    Latest videos from the Scout Guard camera.

    Here are some videos from our Scout Guard camera. Enjoy!! http://s999.photobucket.com/albums/af113/Advanced-Whitetail/?action=view&current=7-610pt.flv
  8. Dolph

    New Pic

    Very nice!! Thanks!!
  9. Dolph

    DLC Covert I

    Thanks Bill for your purchase. We appreciate it. You will not be disappointed. Shipping it tomorrow. Also, our site charged you tax for some reason? We will reimburse that amount, sorry. Check out chasing game.com they tell you the difference. It is a knockoff of the Scout Guard. The range is...
  10. Dolph

    DLC Covert I

    Scout Guard. We offer free shipping.
  11. Dolph

    Sharing the Virus

    Great story and pics guys!! I had a great eveing with my brother once where we caught 10 muskies on a border lake in Wis. and the UP. but no hawgs like that!! Nights lke that don't hapen very often. That is really cool!! Congrats!!
  12. Dolph

    First Nice Buck of the year Vid too!!

    Very Nice!!
  13. Dolph


    Linemens belt Treehopper makes the best linemens belt out there!! Easy to use and built solid. I would not hang a stand with out one. Hands free and you safe!!
  14. Dolph

    The boy makes me proud!!

    Very cool!! That's the best feeling in the world!!
  15. Dolph


    I love the Lone Wolf Alpha hang-on and their sticks. I carry this set-up back in, not a mile, but far enough and can't imagine not having it. Easy and fast set-up. Muddy's new stands look good too as well as some of the Gorillas. Has to be aluminum for your hike.
  16. Dolph

    1 buck 25 days of growth

    Very cool!!
  17. Dolph

    Aplington-Parkersburg Football Coach Shot, Killed

    My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. Horrible tragedy. Being a Packer fan we got to hear thoughts from Aaron Kampmann from the Packers who played for him and what an influence this man was on him. Not about playing football but about being a good person, Father and Husband and a...
  18. Dolph

    Hi, this is Randy Platz (Dolph) from Advanced Whitetail Hunting, sorry to bother you, I'm trying...

    Hi, this is Randy Platz (Dolph) from Advanced Whitetail Hunting, sorry to bother you, I'm trying to get a hold of Chris Lane. I've tried e-mails and lost his phone number. Do you have either? Thanks Randy
  19. Dolph

    My biggest mount back..finally

    Very nice, congrats!! Nice looking mount!!
  20. Dolph

    Scout Guard 550 question

    Call the company. They are very good at working with customers on this. It should not be doing this. If you do not hear anything let me know and I will contact them. I deal with them all the time.
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