Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


Sticks are the key

The sticks will give you the mobility you need to adapt as required. The stand isn't AS important IMO but you just need one that is well built and quiet...like a Lone Wolf. :D

J/K. Use whatever but don't forget the sticks.
What I do to minimize noise with the straps is hook the buckle part first. I then lay the buckle against the tree pulled away from the stick and hold it with my arm, while I swing the side without the buckle to my other hand, or in most cases just reach around and grab it. The stick is held tight against the tree with my chest when I am doing this. Once I have both ends I just put the end without the buckle around the versa button then pull the other end tight that is already away from the stick. You essentially make no noise at all with the straps. If you sling the buckle side around the tree first, you will indeed probably make a lot of noise.
Linemens belt

I would pick up a lineman's belt too. Saves a ton of work.

Treehopper makes the best linemens belt out there!! Easy to use and built solid. I would not hang a stand with out one. Hands free and you safe!!
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