Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. S

    No Fawns

    I've heard that late season stress has taken a toll on our fawn crop. Does just not getting the protein they need and guys running them all over the country. Do you hunt a high stress area? I know I hunt low pressure areas and I have a lot of deer and a lot of fawns this year, but everyone...
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    Doe decoy for sale

    Anyone interested in a doe decoy get me a cell number and I'll shoot you a picture. She's in great shape, hardly used. Also made a small set of antlers fit her. Those are included. Also have some older hang stands if anyone would want them.
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    Swhacker broadheads

    Easy fix, shoot RAGE. Personal opinion though. I believe (again personal opinion) Rage has the best products on the market today. I or anyone I know that shoots them have never had any kind of issue with them. Other than gaping wounds! I personally shoot the Rage Xtreme. Its a 100 grain two...
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    Deer attractant

    Wouldn't use anything in the world right now but, Lucky Buck. Used for years now with great success.
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    Getting what we deserve? wildlife@dnr.iowa.gov

    Thanks for posting. Sending an email today, and again tomorrow, and again the next day, and so on........ Our deer heard is in desperate need of a break.
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    Thompson center encore stainless ML

    Still have it? And where are located?
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    IDNRs proposed changes to NRC

    Please! No more doe slaying! I'm all about these changes.
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    Trail Cam Locks

    I have gone years and never had any issues with cameras missing, used to use locks and all the good stuff. I got comfortable, and got caught with my guard down. I got hit really hard this year, about a thousand dollar hit in one swipe. I hunt all large private farms off the beaten path with no...
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    Cameras stolen

    I smiled when I saw this post. Never thought of that.
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    Cameras stolen

    Do you deer hunt? Why leave them out? Are you being for real? This is one of the best times of year to do some really good scouting for the up and coming season. See what's left, who made it, who is new on the farm?
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    Cameras stolen

    110% sure who they are.
  12. S

    Stand THIEF.

    I feel your pain man. This was by far my worst year for having gear come up missing. There are becoming a lot more guys entering the woods these days with no respect for others. It is hard to stomach for the guys who live and breath this stuff everyday of there lives. Good luck with nabbing...
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    Cameras stolen

    I would nothing more than to get even with these kids. I still have a hard time believing these ended up missing, especially for the locations these were placed.
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    Cameras stolen

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    Moultrie M-880

    Great cameras as long as its above zero out. I have found they have been freezing up this year with the brutal cold temps.
  16. S

    Cameras stolen

    Anyone having issues with cameras getting stolen in Henry County? Have a great idea who's doing it! Just need the proof! Any ideas what to do?
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