Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Shredder

    Few southern MO fish

    Freshly shaved.... Tickled..... Bikinis...... and beer, all in one post!!!!!
  2. Shredder

    This Ain't Good

    It is a sow...better hope she is not bred. May have a ton of those suckers in a year or so if that is the case
  3. Shredder


    Very Nice!!!!
  4. Shredder

    Looking to move to Iowa - best county?

    A lot of things come into play..you have kids? Wife? Life? Anywhere in the state will have some giants but also the state you come from. Research the heck out of it before you make the jump to here cause from what I am seeing, this state is on its way out with tons of great bucks. In the last 5...
  5. Shredder

    Great Season

    Congrats on a great season Tony!
  6. Shredder

    Fighting Wildfires PICS ADDED

    SOund good brother...be safe..prayers sent!!!!
  7. Shredder

    Sitka Gear?

    I have used it on 2 elk hunts and love the stuff as well. It is pricey but fully functional. That being said, I like my Gray Wolf Woolens stuff for whitetails.
  8. Shredder

    Mushroom poachers!

    Scare them enough where they piss or crap themselves will humiliate them.
  9. Shredder


    Curiosity has me wondering what you were thinking as well. I would not have attempted any of that stuff...
  10. Shredder

    Patience Grasshopper...

    Congrats on a great bird...Easter dinner?
  11. Shredder

    Ready for Wolf Hunts

    Hey...just found this... LEWISTON, Idaho -- Officials with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game plan to meet with Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter on Monday to discuss a wolf hunting season. Fish and Game Deputy Director Jim Unsworth tells the Lewiston Tribune that the meeting will determine if...
  12. Shredder

    Ready for Wolf Hunts

    ...+1 Kind of a dead issue...but I do hope they bring back the seasons. As with all animals, they need managed for numbers for a healthy herd/pack. Too many and parasites and viruses can really destroy a population, far faster and without discrimination.
  13. Shredder

    Turkey Run & Bowing with Cameraman - Need help...

    Sitting and waiting is a waste of time anymore for me.....I'd rather run and bow or run and gun. You can go to the excitement. As for hunting with a camera man...that would be tough and you may just have to wait in boredom until one comes to you.
  14. Shredder

    Snake in the blind!

    Snakes don't bother me a bit but I may have just cut his head off for a souvenir....btw, bull snakes would make a great limb covering on the recurve. May have to hunt a couple down.
  15. Shredder

    Dirt Nap

  16. Shredder

    One down. Two to go in NE

    Lice job fellas
  17. Shredder

    First Cat

    That is one cool looking cat for sure.
  18. Shredder

    Thompson Center ProHunter Muzzleloader ?

    I have an endeavor which is a step up from the older pro hunter and have just the plain encore...both in stainless and like them a lot.
  19. Shredder

    Spragueville Poacher

    That is a little low I think....
  20. Shredder

    Legal decoys?

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