Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Shredder

    Iowa Taxidermist Association Show

    You have a slaughter/packing plant in town?
  2. Shredder

    Strap-on stands and tree steps

    Last thing you want to be doing is looking up from the base of the tree wishing you had replaced them and hoping your injuries are only minor. What Mike said about the cables, that is a good idea as well. I have some over 10 years old that probably should be replaced.
  3. Shredder

    Lost an old friend

    no kidding...they have seen it all
  4. Shredder

    IW Golf Outing

    You have not seen me play yet Nanny
  5. Shredder

    Johnny "Bones" Jones

    Anderson Silva has the best chance and not sure he can pull it off. Evans will get destroyed unless he has Jones figured out from training with him, he will know the counter measures to take but not sure he can stop them. As for Machida, I think Jones will handle him easier than He handled Rua...
  6. Shredder

    Guided elk hunt

    Go to Huntingfool.com and they have an extensive listing state by state with LO tag options if you are looking into that as well. They have sponsored outfitters as well. It does cost $100 to join the service but worth it in my opinion
  7. Shredder

    DSD Strutter/before & after pics

    Pretty cool. Looks like a lot of work though to chase them with a bow....best of luck to you though. I'd be woried about someone canning your "decoy" during a hunt.
  8. Shredder

    MT ELk

    Are you a member of huntingfool.com?
  9. Shredder

    Trail cam reccomendations

    I have to second dtr....the reconyx are awesome.
  10. Shredder

    Found, or harvested?

    I have killed much larger deer than I have sheds to???? Most over 5.5 years old. Biggest shed I own are ones I bought....
  11. Shredder

    Age this buck

    He's probably not a 1.5 but could be anything beyond that for an age.
  12. Shredder

    polaris ranger @ IDC

    Is it just a polaris ranger crew cab???
  13. Shredder

    Missouri Trout Season Opens

    Man I used to catch the heck out of huge Brown trout at Montauk!!! The largest was a female in the 14-16 lb range on ultralight tackle. I need to head back down one of these years but am afraid it would not be the same as it was 10-15 years ago
  14. Shredder

    Mountain Lion or not?

    House cat best I can tell.
  15. Shredder

    Bushnell Trophy Cam

    best place for the videos is to put them on a giant rub....better than scrapes
  16. Shredder

    Optics on an AR

    I put the coyote special from Nikon on my Remington R15..works out good. When I pick up a black ar15, I will put a mildot scope on it of some sort
  17. Shredder

    'Guns Are Dangerous'

    I hope the heck you are NOT talking about what the lady wrote........
  18. Shredder

    bow accessories??

    Both my bows have the XR2 by G5...the sight is awesome but will not appeal to all. I just don't like having pins stacked up and having to choose. I am sold on the octane i piece quiver (I do take it off in the stand) and the octane stabilizer for my bowtech but have the Fuse gear on my Hoyt
  19. Shredder

    Iowawhitetail Facebook page

    I'm sure if you write the checks some of our video savvy members could put something together :)
  20. Shredder

    Iowawhitetail Facebook page

    Cooter it is more of an ad for the regular site here, not another board for information. Mainly there to draw others over here
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