Went out and did a little shed hunting and retrieved the last of my homebrew trailcameras to see what might still be around to hunt next season. I did find a shed, only one.
This is a buck that i never saw this year and he by no means is a monster, but i was hoping if he was young enough maybe in a couple years he can spend some time in my freezer.
How old do you guys think he might be?
These pictures were from mid feburary. I looked all over for his sheds but this is only a small 3 acre piece of timber i have permission on. I had the camera pointed a little too high. It was already kinda aimed down a small hill, i just didn't angle it down far enough.
This is a buck that i never saw this year and he by no means is a monster, but i was hoping if he was young enough maybe in a couple years he can spend some time in my freezer.
These pictures were from mid feburary. I looked all over for his sheds but this is only a small 3 acre piece of timber i have permission on. I had the camera pointed a little too high. It was already kinda aimed down a small hill, i just didn't angle it down far enough.