Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. L

    Deer Season Costs

    I spent about $ 2,500 but the time spent educating all the deer was priceless :D
  2. L

    Heavily Palmated Buck

    WOW a pig of a deer that will get you pumped
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    Caption This!

    He’s way of saying wait until next year ha ha :)
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    buck commander ++ 22 arrow length the way to go
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    One in a million shot

    I stopped her broadside then I shot and she moved to the left with her head going down and to the left. I hit her just back of the right lung and hit her left lung then the arrow then hit her head. We had a hard time following the blood trail. The Blood was 2 and 3 feet to the left and right of...
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    One in a million shot

    i did save the head for a euro mount thanks
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    One in a million shot

    I let the crossbow do it job ban at 52 yards ! it scared the crap out of me and the deer but I seen the lumenok hit it mark the arrow went through the rib from the right side of the deer and it came out the left side and hit her in the head and stoped just in front of her eyes the broadhead...
  8. One In A Million Shot

    One In A Million Shot

    One in a million shot on a doe at 52 yards with crossbow. just had to put on here to This is some pic of pic of the doe the way we found her in the field to show how it happened
  9. One In A Million Shot

    One In A Million Shot

    One in a million shot on a doe at 52 yards with crossbow.A noses piercing job with the montec g5 125 gr. broadhead
  10. One In A Million Shot

    One In A Million Shot

    full length arrow through the deer to show the actual flight path of the Cross bow bolt.
  11. L

    Movement Update...

    Sioux City Animal Control picked up 5 deer that got hit by cars yesterday one was a nice 12 point buck I saw at 2:30 pm along west 19th by west high. I went back at 3:00 pm to look at it closer and take a pic but sum one cut the rack off they are moving around sum
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    Glenwood Iowa Trespassers (Mills County)

    They are Checking out your baiting tank :grin:
  13. L

    Concealed carry gun?

    Glock model 21 sf.45 for my winter carry and a Ruger LCP in the summer time :)
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    Movement update...

    I love the rut big ones all over the places :)
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    it is time to get out boy and girls

    Got in my stand at 4:00 pm see 4 deer out along the timber 250 yards out .then I see more deer coming out by 5:00 there is 20 deer 6 or 7 bucks. then the show started a big buck 150+ was kicking sum butt and running bucks 200 to 300 yards along the timber and then back to the hot spot he go�s...
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    Weird kill

    Early stage of an addadicktome operation :D they are doing it all over the world now :drink2: i had to
  17. L

    Scent Control

    Natural scent control Natural scent control take a spray bottle on your hunt next time find some standing water in the field you are hunting get it in the bottle and find some deer droppings put some in the bottle and shake it up real good and spray away you can put fresh dirt from your hunting...
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