Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Search results

  1. Simmshunter

    Do Bobcats S*% in the woods?

    Thats pretty cool stuff.:way: Do you know the difference in time between when the cat was there and the rabbit?
  2. Simmshunter

    Shotgun buck

    Great looking buck. Congrats!
  3. Simmshunter

    my daughters first deer

    Congrats! Looks like we have another bright spot in huntings future.
  4. Simmshunter

    '09 Gear Reviews

    NAP Bloodrunners Myself and my son tried the new NAP Bloodrunner broadheads this year with excellent results. Four deer with complete pass throughs on all 4. Two only went 20 yards from the hit, and 2 went no more than 75 yards or so. All with devastating wound channels.
  5. Simmshunter

    Introducing "Iowa Whitetails Forever"

    Registered. Thank you!!
  6. Simmshunter

    200+Gross Archery Buck Shot in Butler County

    What a brute! Congtrats
  7. Simmshunter

    LoneWolf Straps

    Iowabowtech, do a search for UCR on www.archerytalk.com. I think he will make any lenght you want.
  8. Simmshunter

    2009 Bow Buck

    Well done. Congrats!
  9. Simmshunter

    11pt Down Over the Weekend

    Awesome buck. Way to stay on the track and recover him. :way:
  10. Simmshunter

    H1N1 Buck

    Congrats. Great deer.:way:
  11. Simmshunter

    My Part of Magic Hour

    Great buck, great story. Congrats
  12. Simmshunter

    River's West clothing

    Rivers West Back Country Jacket Just bought this a week ago so not much experience yet, but it has kept me comfortable on chilly mornings and evening in the tree stand. No rain to try out the waterproof qualities either. BTW this is the light weight material, what they call LAW's.
  13. Simmshunter

    stickers on your clothing

    +1 for bootjacks. Thats what my grandad and dad always called them.
  14. Simmshunter

    19 pt buck shot by Seth

    Great deer, great pics. Congrats
  15. Simmshunter

    Turkey hunt turned Coyote shoot

    That sounded like more fun than killing a turkey, or at least as much fun. Congrats.
  16. Simmshunter

    questionable kill

    Congrat. Sounds like a great deer. You made the right call.
  17. Simmshunter

    Which muzzy are you all using?

    Thompson Center System 1 50 cal, Weaver Grand Slam 1.5 x 5.
  18. Simmshunter

    iowa whitetail total years of bowhunting expe

    25 years for me. Total 2485
  19. Simmshunter

    how old?here is a pic from 08' & 09' to help

    I'll go with bigbukfevr on this one and say 4.5 years.
  20. Simmshunter

    posted to craig's list personals

    That is great. Way to go!
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