Active Member
Last year, we did a similar thing and I enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts on new equipment they tried this season, good or bad. Not necessarily new equipment on the market, just new things you tried. I got a lot of equipment in '08 and very little this year but I do have one to start things off with and it was kind of a major one as it turns out:
Magnus Snuffer SS broadheads. Previous to this year I was using Slick Trick 100 Mags. I still like that head but I did have a few times where I questioned penetration. I shot 4 deer this year and all were passthroughs so that's an automatic in the plus column. I like the COC design of this head and the fact that it's resharpenable. Took me quite awhile to figure out the best method for a good edge but finally got it done. I'd go with a 10 out of 10 for my only real new product of the year.
Magnus Snuffer SS broadheads. Previous to this year I was using Slick Trick 100 Mags. I still like that head but I did have a few times where I questioned penetration. I shot 4 deer this year and all were passthroughs so that's an automatic in the plus column. I like the COC design of this head and the fact that it's resharpenable. Took me quite awhile to figure out the best method for a good edge but finally got it done. I'd go with a 10 out of 10 for my only real new product of the year.