Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Bone Slayer

    2014 Archery Deer

    Always love split brows! Congratulations
  2. Bone Slayer

    2014 Bow Kill

    I got into the stand Saturday morning around 6:30. The first hour of daylight was a little slow for me. At about 8:00 I had 3 does walk 15 yards in front of me. The biggest doe kept sticking her nose is the air and looking around. I knew at this point there was no way she could smell me as she...
  3. Bone Slayer

    Newton goes nighty night

    Congrats on a nice buck!
  4. Bone Slayer

    bucks cruising

    Yeah I ended up getting mine this morning...
  5. Bone Slayer

    bucks cruising

    As soon as I get out of my 8 A.M math class in the morning Ill be getting the hell out of Ames and back to northeast Iowa.:D
  6. Bone Slayer

    Age? Cool Buck

    I'd say he has a good sized body, but his neck looks like he's 4. Unique rack though with the long split G2.
  7. Bone Slayer

    Target buck down

    That 4th last picture is sweet!
  8. Bone Slayer

    Huge Body or small rack?

    Has a lot of character!
  9. Bone Slayer

    55's score?!

    I cant see the images either.
  10. Bone Slayer

    Same deer?

    I'm thinking that they're the same buck.
  11. Bone Slayer

    Youth tag question

    I don't believe the adult has to have a tag for that season. However, they still need their hunting license.
  12. Bone Slayer

    Youth tag question

    The thing that floors me is, you're telling me it's more ethical to take a kid out driving during shotgun season, but not teaching them how to hunt during bow season. I've never understood this rule and never will I...
  13. Bone Slayer

    Exit Sandman

    Congratz awesome buck!
  14. Bone Slayer

    Pull Behind Accessories

    Im thinking about making one but wondered if anyone has made there own plows and disk to pull behind four wheelers?
  15. Bone Slayer

    Cereal Grains and cover crops

    Does $112.30 an acre sound right for the seed here?
  16. Bone Slayer

    this never gets old!

    Awesome buck! Looks a little beat up. How many is he missing?
  17. Bone Slayer

    The Story Of HeartAttack....... 3 Year Quest

    He lives in Nebraska, They're probably done now.
  18. Bone Slayer

    New archery world record?? with PIC.

    Back then they were lucky to see a few deer a week...
  19. Bone Slayer


    Thanks for the help, I only live 25 miles from there
  20. Bone Slayer


    Thanks alot! Ill have to give that a try. This coming year i plan on going away from food plot companies and mixing my own seed. Is there a way i can order seed online from some of the seed stores you guys mention?
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