Well my season ended last night at 4:30 p.m. I wasn't even going to sit with the wind, but after a late lunch I decided to give it a try. I climbed into the tree about 2:45 and had immediate action. I had sat the same stand the night before and saw 7 different bucks. Between those 7 bucks i don't think there was 100 inches of antler. Last night started off the same with spikes and forkies chasing anything that moved and grunting all the way. I finally didn't have deer around me about 4:30 and decided to rattle and imediatley could hear a deer running across the cut corn stalks. I was worried as he was down wind of me, but he didn't seem to care and he made a loop to my upwind side. I ranged him at 27 yards and let the arrow fly. When I heard the arrow hit I was concerned as it sounded like a gut shot. He never ran he walked about 10 yards and stopped further confirming my fear of a gut shot. I grabbed another arrow and tried to get another shot, but he took a few more steps into a thicket. I grabbed the binoculars and started to watch him and within a minute was doing the dizzy dance! He went 15 yards from where I shot him! The shot was perfect, but he never ran a step from the shot! I had a bunch of pics of this deer this summer and last year as well. Give me some of your thoughts on score and I will let you know when I get him scored. Enjoy the pics!