Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    Yet Another Trespasser

    Absolutely! This definitely needs to be done. People need to start realizing that there is a realistic chance of getting caught these days and to keep them looking over their shoulder if they trespass. Maybe it will make some of them nervous enough that they don't enjoy their adventure and...
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    Card pull from this past week

    Very cool SCOFFIN! It looks like there are some nice up and comer's. :cool: I love seeing bucks like that in the snow.
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    I shot my first Iowa buck

    Thanks Scooter1 and everyone else for your comments on my buck. I'm feeling better about it as time goes on. Thanks for reading my story too. It took me a long time to write it. I have to hen peck the key board so I'm not a very fast typist. One of the thing's that surprised me the most is how...
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    Shotgun Buck '10

    Cool buck. I'll guess 148".
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    13 year old son's first buck

    Awesome. Great first buck. :way:
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    I shot my first Iowa buck

    How's it going everyone! I have been meaning to get on here to see how everybody did this season, but before I check out everybody's harvests I thought I would post my own story. It is long even though I left some things out so I'm not sure anybody will even read it, but it was an unusual trip...
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    Frost Seeding at It's Best

    Great job Tom. I love frost seeding. It's easy and makes it possible for anybody with a sprayer and a spreader to create a great plot. Works well for thickening up thin fields and filling bare spots too.
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    Not yet. I have never been to Iowa before. I have only looked over the property using various aerials and topo's. I have never even met the people that were so kind as to give me permission to hunt. I have only talked to them on the phone after a friend that used to pheasant hunt there gave me...
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    Before I joined this forum I read quite a bit from Dbltree because I absolutely LOVE habitat improvement and management. I was surprised by how knowledgeable he is. When it comes to habitat management and especially food plots, I am used to being the one that can always help people with quality...
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    I'm not the type to attack people like that. I like to get along and make friends with other hunters and be helpful when I can. The hostility and bitterness I was referring to was mainly due to people having to share the woods with other hunters or losing a place to hunt altogether because of...
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    Well, after spending the last 40 minutes (I type real slow) typing an introduction, my garbage Vista program crashed right after I cut and pasted one word so I didn't have a chance to copy to 'save' it. I absolutely hate Vista!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: So I guess I will just keep it short and say...
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