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Yet Another Trespasser

You are NOT out of line for posting this. The guy who's walking in front of the camera is the one who is out of line. I hope folks can get you a PM on who this guy is and then let the chips fall where they may. Good luck on identifying!!! :way:


It would be cool to have somebody contact the Register or some news outlet to do a story on these threads and how tresspassers are being caught with trail cams.. Maybe drawing attention to people who got caught and making it known just because you are in the woods and off the road that doesn't mean you can't be seen..

This definitely needs to be done. People need to start realizing that there is a realistic chance of getting caught these days and to keep them looking over their shoulder if they trespass. Maybe it will make some of them nervous enough that they don't enjoy their adventure and quit trespassing.

I seen where a picture of a trespasser was posted on the internet. This guy had repeatedly trespassed for years and would not stop. After his picture was posted the problem ended. He was very upset about his picture being posted, but it worked. The power of the internet is definitely a strong deterrent! I bet he dose not trespass anywhere again any time soon! ;)
If you are tracking a deer and your picture gets taken it should be easy to explain yourself
because the deer you are tracking should be on there also.

I don't buy it and neither should anyone else. How 'bout a deer that's been shot but running all out? What percentage of cams do you think get triggered and take a pic, WITH THE DEER STILL IN IT!? What if you lose blood and are grid searching? I'll be honest, it's happened to me. I lost blood and wasn't able to contact the landowner. Eventually went in and found it but suppose my pic was taken in the process of putting a reasonable effort into recovering a deer? I was not breaking the law in any way, shape or form.

Trust me, I'm all about catching the lawbreakers but be reasonable. This is not reasonable. At all. This is not that simple a matter. Period.
I know the DNR around here says you have to have blood to track onto private ground. If you lose blood, you have to back out if the land owner has not given permission. Just what I was told...
You can also go one step farther when retreiving a wounded animal from someone ellses property. If you can't get hold of the land owner then call the DNR and let them know whats going on. If it's a legal kill you have nothing to lose and in most cases if it was a kill shot the animal is just going to lie down somewhere so it shouldn't matter if it takes you another hour or so.
Great advise Tracker. I ask a landowner next to the place I hunt to go after a deer I shot and knew was dead and he said no. I called the D.N.R. and he came. Him and I went in and got my deer.
Hit a deer and it went into your property, I've heard it a thousand times. I've got a neighbor who said this 5 or 6 times in the last several years (2nd season shotgun and a few during bow seasons) and I can't remember them recovering 1. When it happens, go get your animal (I might even help) but I think it sucks! It's an open excuse for people to whereever they want.
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