Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. koba

    Free: 27 Ft Baja Outlaw, just come get it...

    Must have been the same Captain as the EXXON VALDEZ !!!!
  2. koba


    WAIT at least a week.
  3. koba

    New at Food Plots ?'s (Pics Added)

    Re: New at Food Plots ?'s I put lime out yesterday along with triple 12 ! Now I need RAIN !!!!!!!!!!!
  4. koba

    Field Rental

    Just talk to him, you are WAY late for planting, He could lease the ground from you for crops Starting at $50 -$200 per ACRE. Now comes the DEAL it sounds like you want the corn to stay all winter for the Deer, not a bad idea, but if you got tons of deer not much of a yield. Good luck !
  5. koba


    I went last year (mowed) on July 31, right before a big RAIN, and then did my last spray also when the weeds shoot's were cut OPEN !!
  6. koba

    Life happens...

    Gosh I am so sorry to hear of her injury, I remember talking to her many month's ago, Take care my friend , it is amazing how this internet site can show us the compasion and humanity in all of us! M.M.
  7. koba

    New at Food Plots ?'s (Pics Added)

    Re: New at Food Plots ?'s Kill the WEEDS NOW!!!! Disc 2 weeks later, spray again and do a no till white clover plot. Plant in July right before RAIN!! Dont wait for FROST planting !!!
  8. koba

    Anybody else...

    Hate to say it but you are WAISTING your money painting it !! The labor that it takes to strip it down will kill YA!! I was a PRO for 15 years and hated to side my very own house. If you need advice p.m. ME. But i understand your wife's love of a tri - color Victorian house. But the END result...
  9. koba

    Lost a good friend

    Sorry on your loss, I think in nature they know when they are ill and want to go off and die on their own. Please try not to feel guilty. Just get through the days.
  10. koba

    The last 2 1/2 hours

    My buddy had it happen on a Booner Buck !!!
  11. koba

    Trail Cam ?

  12. koba

    All My Rowdy Friends

    Heard a awesome interview with Artimus Pyle on Stern a few month's ago !!
  13. koba

    Nonresident Landowner Changes?

    [ QUOTE ] Why should you get resident privledges if you're not a resident? Because of the OWNERSHIP of property, He certainly is not exempt from taxes on the land. Let's be Fair !
  14. koba

    Well its no.....

    Was he GOOD EATIN' ?
  15. koba

    Turkey on a Stick

    Nice Tom !!
  16. koba

    2007 Mushroom Count

    769 one day 1200 next then 88 then 709 then 555.
  17. koba

    Your Heaviest Turkey?

  18. koba

    T-DAY !!

    It's HERE !! First day of Turkey Hunting is MICHIGAN !!! I am taking my son out on his first offical Turkey HUNT !!!
  19. koba

    Prescribed Fire

  20. koba

    WOW.......What a rush!

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