Horn Hunter
Yesterday, April 18, I was able to score on my first turkey with a bow and it was great.
I got to my spot a little before 5 am and I got all my stuff together and started walking in. I was hunting a place that has some pasture and multiple fingers of timber coming from a larger timber. The pasture that I was going to setup on went back about 400 yards from the road and I was going to setup toward the back and see what happened. I was probably 3/4 the way back when I heard a gobble less than 100 yards away. I stopped and backed up so I wouldn't spook him off the roost. As I was setting up my new matrix the birds started to sound off all around. I set the pretty boy and pretty girl about 10 paces from the blind and got settled in. The birds continued to gobble all around, I guessing there were 6 or 8 different birds. A little after 6 am the gobbling really dropped off as they all flew down and got henned up. Not hearing any gobbles I sat and waited, putting out some calls about every 10 minutes or so. At about 7:45 I see a hen coming from my left and I clip on my release hoping that a tom was following her. She walks by pretty boy and girl pausing to scratch and then keeps walking. I'm watching to the left hoping for a tom. Then I see him coming, running right at pretty boy. He runs up next to pretty boy, goes into full strut, begins sputting and drumming. I don't know who was shaking more him or me. He then proceds to kick the crap out of pretty boy. I draw and wait for a shot, and it is really hard when your heart rate is at about 300. I take aim as he turns away from me at full strut and I think I got a good shot at his back door. I let it go and totally miss over his back. I'm thinking I'm going to blow this chance but he is so focused on pretty boy he didn't even hear me shoot. He turns back to pretty boy for round two as I scramble for another arrow. I'm trying to relax but it was hard with a big tom putting on that show so close. I get the second arrow nocked and I draw trying to focus on doing everything right. He steps off pretty boy and turns broadside as I take a deep breath and let it go. This time the Switchback XT sends the Sonic broadhead straight and hits him square in the side. He drops right there and does a couple of rounds on the upside down bicycle and he's done. I sat there shaking not believing what had just happened. I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to get a second shot. The shot ended up being 11 1/2 yards.When I got a closer look at him I notice he has huge spurs and a really long beard. I was alone so I didn't get any field pics of me and the bird but I got one of where he was after the shot. I did get some pics at home.
The tale of the tape is as follows: 26 lbs, 13 inch beard, and each spur is 1 1/2 inches. These measurements are from Fin & Feather in Iowa City because I was not sure how accurate my own measurements would be. I believe the score is 82. The first pic is at home. In the second pic you can still see the arrow sticking out and you can see how he knocked around pretty boy. The last two pics show the spur length. Also I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a taxidermist. The guy I normally use isn't taking anymore right now.
I got to my spot a little before 5 am and I got all my stuff together and started walking in. I was hunting a place that has some pasture and multiple fingers of timber coming from a larger timber. The pasture that I was going to setup on went back about 400 yards from the road and I was going to setup toward the back and see what happened. I was probably 3/4 the way back when I heard a gobble less than 100 yards away. I stopped and backed up so I wouldn't spook him off the roost. As I was setting up my new matrix the birds started to sound off all around. I set the pretty boy and pretty girl about 10 paces from the blind and got settled in. The birds continued to gobble all around, I guessing there were 6 or 8 different birds. A little after 6 am the gobbling really dropped off as they all flew down and got henned up. Not hearing any gobbles I sat and waited, putting out some calls about every 10 minutes or so. At about 7:45 I see a hen coming from my left and I clip on my release hoping that a tom was following her. She walks by pretty boy and girl pausing to scratch and then keeps walking. I'm watching to the left hoping for a tom. Then I see him coming, running right at pretty boy. He runs up next to pretty boy, goes into full strut, begins sputting and drumming. I don't know who was shaking more him or me. He then proceds to kick the crap out of pretty boy. I draw and wait for a shot, and it is really hard when your heart rate is at about 300. I take aim as he turns away from me at full strut and I think I got a good shot at his back door. I let it go and totally miss over his back. I'm thinking I'm going to blow this chance but he is so focused on pretty boy he didn't even hear me shoot. He turns back to pretty boy for round two as I scramble for another arrow. I'm trying to relax but it was hard with a big tom putting on that show so close. I get the second arrow nocked and I draw trying to focus on doing everything right. He steps off pretty boy and turns broadside as I take a deep breath and let it go. This time the Switchback XT sends the Sonic broadhead straight and hits him square in the side. He drops right there and does a couple of rounds on the upside down bicycle and he's done. I sat there shaking not believing what had just happened. I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to get a second shot. The shot ended up being 11 1/2 yards.When I got a closer look at him I notice he has huge spurs and a really long beard. I was alone so I didn't get any field pics of me and the bird but I got one of where he was after the shot. I did get some pics at home.
The tale of the tape is as follows: 26 lbs, 13 inch beard, and each spur is 1 1/2 inches. These measurements are from Fin & Feather in Iowa City because I was not sure how accurate my own measurements would be. I believe the score is 82. The first pic is at home. In the second pic you can still see the arrow sticking out and you can see how he knocked around pretty boy. The last two pics show the spur length. Also I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a taxidermist. The guy I normally use isn't taking anymore right now.