Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Q

    Acorns to Oaks!

    I have some red oak acorns and was planning to direct seed some and pot some. I’d like to get a head start soon since bow season will be here soon. Is it too early to direct seed acorns now or should I wait? If now is too early what’s usually a good date to aim for? Thanks Sent from my...
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    Cattle Pasture (Tree Planting Update)

    I really appreciate the input so far, thanks everyone. I’m also curious on the survival without supplemental watering. While it will be possible to water the trees to an extent (and I realize a lot of varieties may require it). Can you guys advise on specific bare root seedlings and plug...
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    Cattle Pasture (Tree Planting Update)

    Soils consist of udolpho loam, colo-ely complex and chelsea-lamont-fayette complex. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Cattle Pasture (Tree Planting Update)

    I can access from the east and south through the neighbors which is most ideal for the prevailing west and northwest winds. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Cattle Pasture (Tree Planting Update)

    I’m looking for opinions on what you guys would do in this scenario. My grandma has an 80 (long, narrow rectangle) that is currently all row cropped up front and cattle pasture on the far right and backside. I need to minimize any disruptions to her cash flow so I’m considering fencing off the...
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    The ONE that got away

    The wounds are still fresh from 2017 (camera date is wrong). Not sure what happened to him after I saw him for the last time... on the wrong side of the fence... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Small Parcel Hunting

    Sep, yes unfortunately the cuddebacks firmware can no longer be updated so the year continues to remain stuck in time haha! Everything else is good for now and hope it stays that way for awhile because those are my favorite for image quality. All pics are since the end on 2015. Sent from my...
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    Small Parcel Hunting

    ] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Small Parcel Hunting

    With the recent property posts I figured I would start a thread where people can share pictures and info on small pieces they own/hunt to give a little perspective as to what these can offer. I purchased the 8 acres (triangle timber on the road bend) without really knowing anything about the...
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    Nancy Kerrigan comes home

    Great looking buck and mount, congrats again! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    New Land Taylor Co

    Congrats on the find that’s outstanding! Hearing how they settled on the price makes me think of this quote... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    The 8 acres is the triangle piece on the bend in the road. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Here’s roughly 8 acres of timber where a couple creeks meet in a lightly hunted neighborhood. I don’t want to hijack this one so when I have a little more time I’ll try and post a new thread with additional pics/info. Keep in mind you’ll always want more no matter what you settle on so I’d...
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    Mad cow

    Don’t worry Loneranger all your questions will be answered once Flounder adds his cut and paste info. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Flounder9 can you explain this article

    I know it’s an old article that was initially focused on cattle/beef but then moved onto deer/venison.... I can assure you my head isn’t in the sand on this topic but I will say that I’m skeptical of the true agenda. As always, I’ll continue to research CWD from multiple sources. Sent from my...
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    Flounder9 can you explain this article

    Terry, I want to be as open minded as anyone about CWD and what to do about it as best I can to protect myself and family. However, I’m finding info like the link below that leaves me with more questions/concerns. https://www.consumerfreedom.com/articles/138-mad-cow-scaremongers/ Sent...
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    Wet, cold and awesome!

    Awesome! congrats on the land and a great buck that was well earned in this weather!
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    Deer Rooms

    That was a typo on my part as these cages have 4 prongs. The pics show both versions as they're currently stacked inside each other. I just bent them over about halfway down and looped them over each other to help stabilize. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Deer Rooms

    The sheds are hanging from a heavy duty tomato cage turned upside down. I've done them by folding the three loose prongs (that are supposed to go in the ground) into a square which is shown but I've also angled them upward and secured to form a peak of sorts.
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    Deer Rooms

    It would've taken days with a brush/roller but my patience would've given out long before I could finish. A $100 wagner paint sprayer and I was done in a couple hours. Keep in mind the basement was completely unfinished when I started so I was able to pretty much able to go full tilt and not...
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