Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Deaner

    Coyote tried to eat my decoy!

    About 10 years ago I went out before season to pracice calling on a part of our land I knew we weren't going to hunt. Had the camera with me thinking I could get some good pictures. Called a yote in. He was literaly on the verg of jumping on my decoy and I brought my camera up for a picture...
  2. Deaner

    *OT* Congratulations #37

    WOW!!! I didn't know we had any Hawkeye football players on here! And he was one of my favorites too! Are there any others on here? Yeah Sean I wish you all the luck in the world. It's been fun watching you the last couple years.
  3. Deaner


    Holy post addiction Batman!
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