Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. msalow

    Broken Tine buck

    Woodlot I think you did the right thing just think what he will be next year without the broken tine!!This is the best time of your hunting year NOW you will see lots more great bucks in the next two - three weeks even if you don't shoot one as it's not always about the kill
  2. msalow

    Are you an IBA Member?

    I voted R/B DUDE
  3. msalow


    I use both like this time of the year I use the bag as mostly they are just sparing now but by the end of the month I switch to the real thing and the bigger the better i have a set that run about 80 inches each or a little bigger If you have ever seen and heard two big boys go at it there is...
  4. msalow

    Natural Deer Urine

    just wanted to add an PS to my post about making the mock scrape i looked up the article last night was in oct 92 NAW he would dig up some of the dirt from another scrape in area also and deposit it in his "scrape" R/B DUDE
  5. msalow

    ground blind

    well tonight I went out and set up the double bull brushed it up a little took a look from about 40 yrds looks pretty good even to me will be in it early AM and see what the deer think I'll keep you posted R/B DUDE
  6. msalow

    Natural Deer Urine

    duckaholic, I read a article in North amer whitetail a few yrs ago about doing kind of the same thing but instead of using urine he would make a mock scrape with the foot off a buck from another area also he would use the tarsal glands and would use the tounge to mark a licking branch over the...
  7. msalow

    Ground Blinds

    Hi everyone just wondering about sucess w/ ground blinds I had a accident a couple of yrs ago which left my rt leg numb w/no muscle use below the knee I have a Double Bull T-5 blind that I use for turkeys was wondering if you have had good sucess? do you have to brush it up? i have hunted for...
  8. msalow

    Early season muzzle loader

    I thought that deer lic now are all electronic now is this wrong? what about the gun & bow lic are they going to be electroinc ?
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