Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. stickbow98

    Fletch nails a good one...

    That same pic was posted last year.
  2. stickbow98

    Turkey Season

    >>Subject: Fw: TURKEY SEASON >> >>This is my kind of kid!! Enjoy!! >> >>A game warden was driving down the road in Kentucky when he came upon >>a young boy carrying a wild turkey under his arm. He stopped and asked the >>boy, "Where did you get that...
  3. stickbow98

    White Knuckle Productions Website Launch!

    Looks like a winner, Todd. I'll be watching the mail for my copy! Can't wait to get back out to Iowa this fall w/ stick & string after my two-year "detox" from not drawing a tag!!
  4. stickbow98

    Just couldn't fillet it

    Ain't nothing "crappie" about that beauty!! Kudos to Ya for letting her go...a fish like that is WHY replica's are made!!
  5. stickbow98

    Iowa bill to rise non resident deer tags from 6,00

    Re: Iowa bill to rise non resident deer tags from [ QUOTE ] Damn!! Must be having another one of those days...I said I wasn't going to post anymore on this topic!! (Although so far, everyone's thinking before they type, and that IS refreshing) [/ QUOTE ] Exactly why my last post WAS going...
  6. stickbow98

    Iowa bill to rise non resident deer tags from 6,00

    Re: Iowa bill to rise non resident deer tags from MRH, You wouldn't have a buck tag until you legally killed and checked in a doe, then you would have "EARNED" your buck tag. Pharmer, Re-read my comment on "Common Sense"...simply raising the license fees makes it too obvious it is just about...
  7. stickbow98


    Happy Birthday, Rudd! Ahhhh, 41....I remember like it was- Awww shoot, I forget!! Well, whatever...ENJOY!!
  8. stickbow98

    Iowa bill to rise non resident deer tags from 6,00

    Re: Iowa bill to rise non resident deer tags from Awesome, Steve! If more guys would use their heads instead of just their mouths, many more might find themselves in a similar "dream" scenario! Kudo's to you, ...I hope you are rewarded "monstrously" for your efforts! Good luck with it!
  9. stickbow98

    Iowa bill to rise non resident deer tags from 6,00

    Re: Iowa bill to rise non resident deer tags from As a long-time Iowa NR hunter (who has been denied the past 2 years btw) and loves hunting out there more than almost anything... I still disagree with increasing the number of tags alloted. If you really want to decrease the numbers of deer...
  10. stickbow98

    Don Higgins?

    I had the pleasure of meeting Don thru a mutual friend (and seeing his trophy collection at his home, ) while hunting near there last season in Illinois. Nice guy, and someone who really knows big bucks and how to hunt them! His book is definetly worth reading!
  11. stickbow98

    Lenses fogging

    Try Parker's Perfect (www.parkersperfect.com) I've tried just about everything, and this stuff is about as close to being "perfect" as I've found yet!
  12. stickbow98

    Buck giving me ATTITUDE!

    Hi WNY, I live/hunt in NE Dutchess Co., just a few miles from the Ct. Border. Heck of a mast crop this year, plenty of good animals out there. Definetly looks like it will be a good season! Thanks and Good luck to you as well.....
  13. stickbow98

    Buck giving me ATTITUDE!

    That pic was taken Sept 9, I hope to get a shot at him BEFORE the rut....might be a little skeery walkin' in the woods once he really get's frisky!!
  14. stickbow98

    Buck giving me ATTITUDE!

    This guy's REALLY askin' for it! Not only is he sticking his tongue out at the camera....he's WINKING at me too!!
  15. stickbow98

    Tapered Shafts completed

    VERY nice job, DOR...Those will look awesome streaking thru the air and passin' thru a BIG ol' buck!! _______ Good luck with them, we'll be waiting for the Hero pics!
  16. stickbow98

    Lone Wolf Users

    Another handy light is the Truglo Hunters Lite....it clips on your hat brim (or wherever you want it) and comes in a variey of colors. It also can be used as a pin illuminator for you sight shooters. http://www.truglo.com/content/prod_archery_sights_pins/bowhunters_lite.asp
  17. stickbow98

    Lone Wolf Sit and Climb

    I have 2 climbers...the Lone Wolf Sit-N-Climb and the Summit Goliath. In my opinion, for portability and silence, the Lone Wolf can't be beat. For COMFORT...the Summit is the clear winner. Both are great stands and I use them both, although the Summit gets the nod more often as it has...
  18. stickbow98


    Hey Cornfed, Jerry Simmons sells the "Woodpecker Drill" which is basically the same as the one Treehopper sold. (I still prefer the original myself, but have one of these as a back-up) Here's the link: Look under tree climbing accessories http://www.simmonssharks.com/
  19. stickbow98


    I've been using Treehopper products for MANY years, and the climbing belt is one of the safest and easiest ways to install a hang-on stand there is...I wouldn't even attempt to hang a stand w/o one!
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