Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. stickbow98

    Optics preference...

    I consider my optics to be without question, my most important piece of hunting gear. Therefore, I never looked at the cost as a factor in deciding what to buy, I simply got what I liked best after making a ton of comparisons and doing a whole lot of shopping. That being said, I wear 8X32...
  2. stickbow98

    Arctic Shield vs. Cabelas

    Sorry Scout, But hey.....at least Kat will be warm, and she did ask FIRST!! (Always some great deals @ Sierra) Have Fun, Hunt Safe, >>--Ron--<>
  3. stickbow98

    Arctic Shield vs. Cabelas

    Man, What an Ego boost....now I can say I'm making women "HOT" all across the country!! lol!! Seriously Kat, I hope you're happy with your purchases and this years tale will be about the monster you "Out-witted and OUT-LASTED" no matter how harsh the conditions. (Sounds a little like...
  4. stickbow98

    Arctic Shield vs. Cabelas

    avid, it's a whole lot easier to overlook a "minor" thing like frozen fingers and toes when there's antlers in sight!! lol! Have Fun, Hunt Safe, (and stay WARM) >>--Ron--<>
  5. stickbow98

    Your going to want these for your Lone Wolf!

    I hear that! I'll be lookin' for 'em....Thanks! Have Fun & Hunt Safe, >>--Ron--<>
  6. stickbow98

    Your going to want these for your Lone Wolf!

    Hey Limb, Where'd ya get them? I didn't think they would be ready for awhile yet. Haven't heard anything on the grapevine.....I guess now we know who's got the CONNECTIONS!! >>--Ron--<>
  7. stickbow98

    Where's the boots???

    Kat, Same technique used here, although I use Essence of Fall spray in my truck, and do it for a more "dignified" reason! It's alot more populated in the areas I hunt here in SE New York than out there in the Iowa farm country, and it simply doesn't do the bowhunter's image much good being...
  8. stickbow98

    What type of broadheads do you shoot?

    Gundog, I miswrote stating the one lung shot is not a killing shot, just that it is not an efficient or fast-killing injury which usually means longer and more difficult trailing jobs. Actually, the survival rate of single-lung shot deer is very low, but it is one of the biggest reasons why...
  9. stickbow98

    Muzzleloader ???????????

    Forgot to add that Shockwaves did not shoot as well for me in that particular gun. >>--Ron--<>
  10. stickbow98

    Muzzleloader ???????????

    Out of my .50 cal T/C Omega I'm shooting 250 grain Barnes Expander MZ sabots ahead of 150 gr. (3) triple 7 pellets. 1" groups at 100 yds. all day, and tremendous expansion on game. Every bullet I've recovered has had 95% or better bullet weight retention and mushroomed textbook! Have Fun, Hunt...
  11. stickbow98

    Arctic Shield vs. Cabelas

    Yeah, the Arctic Shield stuff is good stuff, and this is a great sale. I picked up a pair of 2XL Bibs for $70.00!! That saved me $45.00 right there! I also invested in an EXTRA pair of the GloMitts- (Anything I really like I always try to get at least 2 of before they change or discontinue 'em)...
  12. stickbow98

    Arctic Shield vs. Cabelas

    Hi Kat, I have both and personally feel you'd be happiest with the Arctic Shield system. You're dead-on about your release fitting better with the inner glove and over mitten. What I sometimes do for those waits when an animal comes in slow to keep my hands warm, is keep the glove/mitten on my...
  13. stickbow98

    What type of broadheads do you shoot?

    Gundog870, Just my $.02 worth....A single lung hit isn't a killing shot in most instances, and won't usually leave a great trail to follow. Really not the fault of the broadhead. As for the tips bending, many cut on contacts will do that if they are needle-pointed, but if the tip is slightly...
  14. stickbow98

    What type of broadheads do you shoot?

    Magnus 125 gr. 2 blade or Wensel Woodsman 125 gr. 3 blade. Both cut-on-contact, resharpenable heads. Penetration is NEVER a problem! Have Fun, Hunt Safe, >>--Ron--<>
  15. stickbow98

    Pant cuffs, In or Out?

    O.K. Tee-Roy, Ya outdrew me on that one!!
  16. stickbow98

    Pant cuffs, In or Out?

    According to Scott Schultz, (head of Scent Blocker) on the new Drury show "Dream Season" tucking your pants legs inside of your boots allows a chimney effect of scent coming up along the inside of your boots OUTSIDE of your carbon lined pants. Only by leaving the pants out over the tops of the...
  17. stickbow98


    As an instinctive shooter who loves and "needs" to watch his arrow fly, all I can say about the Lume-Nok is....."Sweeeeeet"!!!
  18. stickbow98

    ground blind vs. tree stand

    Bowhunting...I'm a treestand hunter 95% of the time. My late-season muzzleloader hunts have been much more comfortable (and SUCCESSFUL)however, since I've been hunting from my Double Bull blind. The deer just don't seem to be bothered by them, especially if there are round bales in the area.
  19. stickbow98

    The results are in...

    I'm coming back! Started this year off with a great Iowa muzzleloader trophy on Jan. 1....what a kick it would be to end the year with an even BIGGER buck on Dec. 31st!!! >>--Ron--<>
  20. stickbow98

    the name game!

    Well, the STICKBOW part is easy enough....I'm a traditional archer. The "98" comes from that being the year I finally got modernized and entered the cyber-world of the whitetail and began enjoying great forums such as this!
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