Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Ghost

    Finally a shooter

    Real nice buck...would get my arrow on its way for sure.
  2. Ghost

    1 Month Brassica Update

    Re: 1 MonthBrassica Update Looks great Travis!~~~~~
  3. Ghost

    Meet 181class (Pictures fixed)

    Re: Meet 181class Congrats!
  4. Ghost

    Biggest One 4 me this year

    Come on Nanny...that's a seven year old if I ever saw one...
  5. Ghost

    If only the Democrats would............

    While this discussion has been very entertaining for me to read, the 50 degree air blowing on the back of my neck from my open window has me dreaming of this.....not politics.
  6. Ghost

    So Flipping Mad

    They better hope Sean doesn't find out it was them that stole the cam.... Nothing worse than a thief!!!
  7. Ghost

    Opening day success!! Her 2008 Archery Whitetail

    Re: Opening day success!! Her 2008 Archery Whiteta Congrats to Rochelle! Get some good footage Dean?
  8. Ghost

    MN Bear luck?

    Congrats on a great bear!
  9. Ghost

    A Couple of neat pictures

    Glad to see your still around Pete!
  10. Ghost


    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Shoot2Kill</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What a sweet way to run cams..... What is with the Squakeyes shirt? Hocker wedding coming up Kent, you still going? Rachel wants to see the SE IA stance.... </div></div>...
  11. Ghost

    WIngbone project: check'em out!

    They look great Steve!
  12. Ghost


  13. Ghost

    God is AWESOME :) First day sucess :) Elk down...

    Re: God is AWESOME :) First day sucess :) Elk dow Nice one Sarah!
  14. Ghost

    Plagued by 8's

    Culling deer in the state of Iowa to improve the genetics of a free ranging deer herd is a worthless effort. Do some more reading.....
  15. Ghost


    Eight year old deer named "Gimpy" Tri-pod since 2004.....
  16. Ghost

    Guess who's getting older?

    I forgot you and Gabe shared B-days...Gabe is 13 and you are 83 right? Just teasing! Happy B-day...it's always good to have one more...beats the hell out of the alternative.
  17. Ghost

    Fence Laws

    Re: Fences. I share a mile of fence with the neighbor who runs cattle on his side. I run extreme deer habitat on my side. I do a Spring fence repair every year for his cattle on my half of the fence. My cows are on pasture for a new fence that is my responsibility. It comes down to your...
  18. Ghost

    Cool Brow Tines

    I would name that buck G1.... Really cool deer regardless of score.
  19. Ghost

    I never thought it would happen!!!!

    What else could you ask for? I'm a guy that loves the junk!!! Put the Junk in the trunk!!! Simply an awesome buck! Good luck this Fall!
  20. Ghost

    He needs to grow a bit.........

    I got him right at mid 150's... He is a buck any bowhunter would love to take. Great Pictures!!!
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