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MN Bear luck?


Well-Known Member
Anyone else have any luck with MN bears? I shot this one at about 7:00P.M. on Sept 1st. 87 degrees and windy so I didn't get to use the bow. The slug gun did the trick though. It bottomed out my 300lb Cabelas scale ( live weight ). From the spacing between the 200 mark and 300 mark, I would guess this bear at 425lb+. I couldn't believe my luck. I think he must have been a little growly too based on the looks of his face. I wonder what the other guy looks like. Having trouble uploading a pic of his face, I will post it later.

Well done, nice black bear, Congrats. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif


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Iowa's number one resource for the whitetail deer.
Nice bear but I think you might have a problem with your scale. 425 pound bears are about as rare as 190 inch typicals and that one looks like a dandy but not nearly that big.

Baits have been spotty here. Very few berries but for some reason the baits are not getting hit consistently. I have a friend who guides up by lake of the woods and he has six hunters in camp... he's three for six in the first three days.

Had one bait that has been fairly consistent and my son Sterling and I sat it last night and saw coons and a fisher. This cooler weather (36 this morning) will hopefully get them going better.

COngrats on the nice bear. Please post when you get a skull measurement, that looks like a P&Y for sure.

Where were you hunting?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Iowa1</div><div class="ubbcode-body">looks like a dandy but not nearly that big. </div></div>

Nice head on him. He will be close to that 18in mark. Everyone I have talked to has said that baits were spotty.

Just to be clear, I was estimating live weight ( not dressed ) if that makes a difference to you. Whatever the weight actually was, I will never know. All I know is that it totally bottomed out my 300lb scale and pulled the guts out of the bottom of it. I was just going by the distance between the marks and estimating what the weight would be if the scale had more range just before the scale broke. I don't really care, I just wanted to give an idea of the weight. His pads were about 5 inches across. Maybe these pics will work this time.

Good luck to all of you guys out there after the bears. I look forward to seeing your pics.


Sweet bear, congrats he definatly look P&Y. It doesn't matter, slug, bow or sling shot that thing is a dandy.

Take the scale back, it will be in bargain cave before you know it.
Congrats on a beautiful bear!!! Make a beauty rug for sure!

Long time back my brother and I killed two bears both of which were officially weighed on DNR scales.

His weighed 470 dressed and mine weighed 420. Years before I killed one that weighed officially (dressed) 230#'s on DNR scales.

From the frame on yours it's for sure pushing the upper 300 to low 400 range which in any even is one heck of a trophy!! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
Looks like a fatty! The head looks huge and you aren't even doing the Chuck Adams pose! Congrats. MN has 300 -500 lbers....its just very rare. You got lucky! Maybe that luck will carry into Whitetail Season.
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