Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Ghost

    Bad Boy Buggie

    The best thing about a Bad Boy Buggy is their Marketing. If they gave me one and a pallet full of replacement batteries I would tell you how great they are. Seriously, I do think they have their application. They are just not "Utility" enough for me. For that kind of money I want haul...
  2. Ghost

    Biggest Ever.......

    Yeah, I know all about it...more than I want to know. I was trying to be extremely sarcastic...
  3. Ghost

    Hard Antler

    Anyone else seeing any bucks shedding velvet yet? Getting close to that time of year.
  4. Ghost

    Help me out experts

    Type "Rompola Buck" or "Rompola Gate" as a Goggle search.....you can literally read for weeks.
  5. Ghost

    Biggest Ever.......

    I got pretty excited to open this post and have a peak coming from you and the title being "Biggest Ever".....then as my slow a$$ home computer started painting the picture I thought it would be a trophy skunk or something. Unique brow tine spacing for sure. DOR...what is the story on that...
  6. Ghost

    How far do you drive to bowhunt?

    I don't turn a key in the truck unless I am hunting out of state. Not saying that like I'm trying to be cocky or place myself above anyone else,... but I did plan on it being that way 20 years ago when I was sitting in front of the loan officer at the bank when I was 22 years old. I just...
  7. Ghost

    Captain Hook 2008

    Amazing animals for sure!
  8. Ghost


    Happy B-day Jay!
  9. Ghost

    rate for leased land??

    Oh man...times are changing fast...I pray for the children that don't have parents that secured land for them to hunt on. Money, money, money......
  10. Ghost

    Shoot or dont shoot

    All I can think about is picking up that shed next February!
  11. Ghost

    Cazador's Birthday Eve Buck

    Looks great Caz!
  12. Ghost

    I call him "DBT"

    Shoot the old fart over the apple pile...isn't bait legal in Ohio?
  13. Ghost

    Trailcam Photos posted 08-11

    Re: Trailcam Photos Thanks for sharing your pictures with us Ronnie!
  14. Ghost

    Tall Ten

    Best buck posted this year IMO...
  15. Ghost

    Making Lemonade 2008

    Looks like a great day spent with your son Tavis!
  16. Ghost

    vman's Birthday

    Happy B-day a little late!
  17. Ghost

    Walk of Shame

    Lucky it was just your girlfriend.....or she would be getting half of you stands.
  18. Ghost

    A couple youngsters

    Nice pics Ryan!
  19. Ghost

    Few buck pics.

    Nice Pics Brian!
  20. Ghost

    My best roll ever

    Nice Pics Corey!
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