Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. iowabruce


  2. iowabruce

    Shed buck contest 2012- it's here!!!!

    Thanks Skip, I needed a laugh this morning.......Unfortunately I agree with your sentiment of this stupid season.
  3. iowabruce

    Anyone know??

    How many other "pro" hunters in the business would show what Bill does? Midwest Whitetails and Bill are a breath of fresh air compared to anything else out there. I can learn more in a 13 minute episode than in a whole season of the crap that shows weekly on cable.......I can't even believe...
  4. iowabruce

    Swarovski EL 8.5 x 42 wb BINOCS!

    pm sent............
  5. iowabruce

    what the heck is this?

    That's a weird one for sure.
  6. iowabruce

    Arrogant UI Professor

    Why would you live here for 20 years if you really believe all that crap. His view of Iowa is jaded and for what reason?
  7. iowabruce

    Another reg question

    Redneck stupidity..........in reality, they just don't give a crap !
  8. iowabruce

    West Texas 8

    Texas is a riot, a friend from San Antonio and I have hunted there for the last 5 years. (northwest of S.A.) Nice buck, congrats !
  9. iowabruce

    Big 10 pushing a Doe

    Very nice !
  10. iowabruce

    Lighted Nocks

    Nocturnals are great, I won't hunt without them.
  11. iowabruce

    Taxidermist work thread

  12. iowabruce


    Oh that picture is how many years old?
  13. iowabruce

    The Missed shot

    Thanks guys for all your comments, this year is my 30th (old guy) year of bow hunting and I can't remember all of the misses over the years, but it never gets any easier. I've whined pretty much all day to my hunting buddies and that has sure helped. I've got 2 afternoons off before the orange...
  14. iowabruce

    The Missed shot

    So I have a 38 yard shot at a 140" 10 pt tonight and watch in horror as my arrow passes about 2" under his chest. I hate this feeling......how long do most of you beat yourself up over a miss? Did I mention I hate this feeling?
  15. iowabruce

    Muck boots

    Easy on and off, I wear a light sock and stay warm, love them.
  16. iowabruce

    Dbltree's Dream

    "Truly deserved" Congrats !
  17. iowabruce


    THE best lighted nocks out there !
  18. iowabruce

    Giant Illinois buck ALLEGEDLY poached...

    So .......did they trepass/no permission to hunt? Or did they supposedly kill it will another weapon?
  19. iowabruce

    Nature Walk?

    I'm with Wapsi on this one.
  20. iowabruce


    The fact that we are debating whether to shoot a buck like this amazes me. Most of you are too young to remember what bow hunting (or gun for that matter) was like in the 70's and early 80's. I'd have given my left N%# to even see a buck like this....... I also find it interesting that...
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