while i haven't specifically asked for advice on shooting bucks, I don't see any problem with. If a guy's fishing for a few opinions, what's the big deal?
It's not like solo said, hey (insert any IW username here) would you shoot this buck, and then (insert any IW username here) said no, so SOLO says ok, since you won't shoot him, I won't. Guess all I saw was a guy saying, he's a bit on the fence and here's why. My take has always been if you shoot a 140incher every year it's going to be awfully damn tough to ever shoot a 160.
SOLO - I'm in your same boat. My biggest buck is 130 shotgun kill when I was 16. I haven't killed a buck with my bow that would go much over 120. I, also, haven't shot a buck or killed a buck in 3years because of the same reasons you mentioned.
I'm sticking with my advice because i have outfitters around me to...you'll make the right decision if he presents himself for a shot because killed or passed you can't go WRONG:way:
btw - I've passed deer in the 140class range, only to have the neighbor or outfitter's "clients" shoot them...I figure a pass is kinda like a kill, so I got'em first anyway

. I've been "shooting" all my passes with a camera the past couple of seasons...grabbing the camera before the bow has helped make pushing the pass button easier. Judging from my trailcam pics this season, my patience is paying off. I have two or three (what I consider) monster bucks on my hitlist this fall. Two of them I know well, because I've passed them both several times. Not saying they'll make the mistake again, but if they do, they're getting an arrow this time.
side-note#2...when you have a buck like the one you posted in this thread on trailcam, it sure as hell makes it easier to pass those 120"-130" bucks.
IMO - making a kill doesn't necessarily make a season