I like my "S.O.P." Original harness from Summit. I tried the HSS and felt like it was a bit cumbersome and hot in the early season. I didn't have the mesh style, it would be better for sure.
Here's a link to see the S.O.P...
I posted this in the Tech Talk but here may be better.
<hr style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE...
Has anyone used these or are using them now? What's your opinion on them?
Here's the ad:
VariFlame Primer Adaptors - An ingenious adapter that's shaped just like a 209X50 primer, but that seats small...
I'm with Muddy. Muzzy's have always grouped well for me with a well tuned bow. In fact, when in tune, they match my field tips perfectly. I would stay with a fixed blade for the same reasons you described. I know they're a multitude of guys that love the Rage and others but for me it will be...
I think the right or left helical only matters when you shoot a stick bow and use your hand as the arrow rest. That's what I was told anyway. :rolleyes:
From the "Shrinker Buck" post:
OUCH! Sorry about that. I knew something wasn't right but all I could come up with was "Turd250" giving it another go!
Good stuff!:drink2:
Beautiful moose regardless, but, it does seem out of proportion.
Here's some proportion. Bad photoshop I know but It'll have to do. Now just estimate the distance to the FJ figuring the FJ has a 6" lift and 35" tires would make it close to 7" at the top of the roof rack.:D
Great! My...
I think the thing that I found most disturbing about the price change was the move to a $50.00 preference point. Some residents may not know how the system works since you don't have to use it to buy your tags. Like most things, there are non refundable administrative fees attached. In this...
So is it a crime to be a criminal or just a gun owner? If we would would punish people for the crimes they commit instead of sending them to resorts they call prison, 99.9% of these crimes would stop. Public hangings were a good deterrent.
Congrats on the new W.M.D. Pete. I can't buy one this year, seems I've spent most of my fun fund on ammo BUT if I were to buy one, THAT would be the bow!! So for now I'll covet yours.:way:
I still can't believe they seem to improve on them every year. You wouldn't think it would be possible...
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