Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Shoot2Kill

    Six, And Then Some

    I think someone up above is telling you the move to MN is the right thing....your last buck, gobbler of a lifetime....time to move on to bigger and better things! Congrats man....you have drama at times, but you also have the unwavering persistance and more times than not, it's paid off for...
  2. Shoot2Kill

    Lane's bird on Vid!

    My son's name is Lane too - that video brought a tear to my eye as you guys ran out together, congrats! Fantastic video!
  3. Shoot2Kill


    People do still hunt grizzlies and coastal brownies with bows every year! Not my first choice, but a 270 with the correct shot placement and bullet will still kill them. Shot placement with a smaller caliber is better than being overgunnned and making a bad shot! The 8 footer in my...
  4. Shoot2Kill

    walmart stopping ammo sales?

    [ATTACH]1717[/ATTACH Getting back to hating the # 1 gun salesman in the US.....
  5. Shoot2Kill

    walmart stopping ammo sales?

    I didn't agree with much you had to say prior to the election but I agree with this. Walmart and big box stores have taken a serious toll on small town America. Alan Jacksons song "Little Man" comes to mind. Who gives a rip if Walmart carries ammo, help keep your second amendment rights...
  6. Shoot2Kill

    The story of '65'

    Wow, very nicely done, he's awesome! You are extremely lucky to have ground like that to work with!
  7. Shoot2Kill

    My 16 yr old....

    Very sorry to hear about your loss - i've been there too and its something that you can hardly put into words. What helped me at the time was to make a photo album tribute to my dogs life to showcase and celebrate his life from one of the online photo sharing sites. Working on that in the...
  8. Shoot2Kill

    Iowa here i come

    Maybe before you move you should make sure the ground you're leaving behind has someone to watch over it and keep the herd in check. Just so happens I'm looking for a new farm in MN for next season. :D
  9. Shoot2Kill

    Keokuk county?

    Cool, I thought maybe you just won the powerball and went and bought a few farms. Thats been my dream - to just go drop a few hundred K at the drop of a hat on some ground. :D
  10. Shoot2Kill

    Keokuk county?

    What do you mean you "picked up" a couple farms? Bought? Got access to? Leased?
  11. Shoot2Kill

    December 20th, 2012...A night to remember

    HELLUVA night anywhere - especially late season MN when the deer just seem to vanish! CONGRATS!
  12. Shoot2Kill

    Spook Spann in trouble?

    Exactly. Can you really take a guy seriously with a name like "Spook"? Really?
  13. Shoot2Kill

    Keeping feet warm in late season

    There is a boot that will work. "Traditional" rubber or leather boots will not. Here: http://wiggys.com/moreinfo.cfm?Product_ID=96
  14. Shoot2Kill

    Keeping feet warm in late season

    The problem with most boots on the market is your feet have no room to breathe. It makes little difference how much thinsulate is in them or what type of socks you wear if your feet cannot breathe. Look up "wiggys pack boot". The liners are made of lamalite sleeping bag material - lamalite...
  15. Shoot2Kill

    20 Ga. Shotgun Question

    How many different brands of slugs have you practiced with? Guns will shoot different brands of slugs differently - I was pretty surprised at that.
  16. Shoot2Kill

    Every year

    Wow. Quite a few of these posts remind me of the song "So much cooler online" but substitute "cooler" for "tougher". Good grief.
  17. Shoot2Kill

    Cold feet?

    If you're just going to be sitting on stand and not doing a ton of walking then a Wiggys pack boot is your answer. The boot liners are made of lamilite sleeping bag material - if you're not familiar with Lamilite read up on it. I have not had cold feet one time while wearing these -...
  18. Shoot2Kill

    OUCH! You ever see something like this?

    Ouch!!!!!!! That 10 is a flippin giant.
  19. Shoot2Kill

    How to cool deer

    When I lived in Alaska it was common practice to cool meat by soaking it under water when the temps outside were too warm and you were on a 10 day hunt in the middle of nowhere - just have to put the meat in heavy duty contractor bags for ONLY when it's in the water, outside of the water and...
  20. Shoot2Kill

    Looking for a cape

    As shotgun season approaches I have a request. I'm looking for an Iowa cape (I live in MN) to put on the first buck I ever shot - way back on December 8, 1991. I had it mounted back then but it aged quickly and looked terrible when I came off Active Duty in 2005 after I hadn't seen it for 5...
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