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My 16 yr old....

biggest buck

Active Member
German Shorthair has developed lung cancer and will be put to sleep in just a few hours. She has been a big part of our lives since she was a pup. I trained her to point and retrieve pheasants when I got her and she turned out to be a great hunter. So good that if a bird didnt flush she would reach in and grab the bird! She did this quite a few times and we always joked that we didnt even need to take our guns. She is the kindest most gentle dog I have ever seen. In the last couple weeks she has gone from a nice healthy 63 lbs down to just a little above 50 lbs. She will be sorely missed by my entire family. Rest in peace Bullet...
Tough thing to do...I feel your pain. We had to lay our 12 year old lab to rest in July. I got him for my 16th birthday, and spent lots of time together. Still think about him to this day...especially when reading things like this.

RIP Bullet (and Trigger my lab). Prayers to your family during this tough time.
Very sorry to hear that buddy! When I thought it was time for one of my dogs, my vet told me "Its one of the most noble things you can do to honor the life they gave you." You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.
16 years is a long, full life for a dog, even though we wish they would last forever. All those years of great memories will last much longer than the hurt your are feeling now even if it doesn't feel that way today. Deepest sympathies.
I'm sorry to hear it was her time to go. It os the single toughest thing to go through as a dog owner. Man's best friend right there...always happy to see you and can always bring joy to any moment. During one of the toughest times it's always best to try to reflect on all the good times and celebrate a great life. It will bring tears to your eyes but it will also bring many tears of joy. Once again, sorry for loss.

Very sorry to hear about your loss - i've been there too and its something that you can hardly put into words. What helped me at the time was to make a photo album tribute to my dogs life to showcase and celebrate his life from one of the online photo sharing sites. Working on that in the days following him being put down helped ease the pain. It was a great day when the book arrived in the mail and I look at it often.

Sounds like your dog lived a long and fulfilling life! Remember the good times!
Sorry for your loss i have a lab Thats on her last string now and I hate to say it but it wont be long. Ive had her Since second grade and im in college now
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