USAF since 2000, 5 active duty, 7 years Air National Guard, just returned to Active Duty status and can do 13 more active years and retire for life.
Thanks to all the other vets past and present!
Well then, you're in a different category of deer hunting up there than where I live. My wifes family is from Morehead and we're up in DL quite a bit over the summer. The deer population/quality of bucks seems to be pretty decent. I was in the Guard there jn Fargo and have quite a few...
Thats MN deer hunting for you, in my opinion if you are used to an Iowa rut you will be sadly disappointed here in MN. Ive been here 6 seasons and still have a hard time even getting excited to bowhunt. Not trying to piss in your cheerios but its as different here in MN as black and white...
Helluva nice buck. Congrats!
Is it just me or why are more and more members downgrading their accomplishments such as the quote above? Seems people are hesitant to post something thats not a mega buck without a statement such as whats quoted. You killed a beautiful buck - be proud!
When it's all said and done, the mount is the only thing that you will
keep forever. Guys spend hundreds if not thousands on gear over time, but have a problem paying $$ for the only part of the hunt that you can truly treasure every day of the year when you walk into a room. Many mounts will...
Thats actually pretty sad. In the big scheme of life there are things much more important than going that extreme just to kill a buck. In the end no matter how big they are they're still just deer.
Good grief, give it a rest Todd. We get it, you love Ozonics. At this point I doubt you are swaying anyones opinion on here. Just let it go man. Go do your thing, watching you fall hook line and sinker everytime someone makes a poke at Ozonics is getting old.
I've had a pile of bucks coming into my creek for the past month since everythig is so dry. This 8 has only missed a few nights on the cam. I want to deflate him bad.
Here's one of my favorite pics of him - you can really see the body size difference in the different aged bucks.
I cant stand about 90% of them with the 26 minutes of commercials and 4 minutes of killing something. From the ones I've seen The Bone Collector makes me want to puke.
Love all the mature bucks roaming around Lee and Tiffs that have grown up on those farms with zero pressure and show up in...
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