Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Shoot2Kill

    Nobody talkin trash yet?

    Who gives a rip if it was ugly or not - a win is a win and a Cyclone win over the Hawkeyes stings bad to Hawkeye lovers. Hahaha! Way to go Clones!
  2. Shoot2Kill

    Nobody talkin trash yet?

    Are you freckin kidding me? People really getting fired up, then want to debate? Good grief. It's all in good fun, it happens every year. Let it go and relax.
  3. Shoot2Kill

    Older Muddy Photo

  4. Shoot2Kill

    Nobody talkin trash yet?

    Memories? In the words of Ace Ventura - LOOOOOHOOHOOOSEERRRRRRS! Wont be 3 OTs this year - game over after 4 quarters with the Hawks crying at home this time! One more......
  5. Shoot2Kill


    Holy flippin sh*t'!!!! Giant!!!!
  6. Shoot2Kill

    euro mount help

    Easiest thing to do - is the hide still on it? If so, dunk it in a bucket for a day to soften the hide, then cut/pull the hide off (wear rubber gloves), it's not too bad after only a day. After that, strap it down to an upside down pallet or something similar and hit it with a pressure washer...
  7. Shoot2Kill

    What do you think about this?

    Try baiting black bears in the spring up in Alaska and having to get down out of your stand after you just had a boar grizzly on your bait for an hour right before dark who left in the direction of your ATV. You have 2 options - sleep in your stand or shoot every bullet in your handgun as you...
  8. Shoot2Kill

    Ryans Gobbler

    Very awesome man!! Love the barn pics!!
  9. Shoot2Kill

    Set Up?

    If you can, go out there the morning prior to when you are hunting and just sit down and listen to where they are on the roost (keep your distance) they are usually pretty close to the same area every morning unless someone or something forces them out of their comfort zone. Hard to say by...
  10. Shoot2Kill

    Sweet #9

    Awesome plan of attack, flawless execution, dead turk, end of story. Hell yes!
  11. Shoot2Kill


    Hell yes. That was a great post. .....and even though you can't call fish, they can be just as humbling! :)
  12. Shoot2Kill


    Noted. Just seemed you were wanting to have a pissing match again and I was game. :) No worries. So I'm just asking - if 2 products worked equally well under most conditions and one product cost a 1/4 of the other you would still buy it just because it was made in the USA? I'm all about...
  13. Shoot2Kill


    So if you're trying to prove what a badass you are again, why not list your points so we can all learn from the all mighty Cooter and hopefully gain some understanding of how it is that you became such an outdoor wonder?
  14. Shoot2Kill


    Your point?
  15. Shoot2Kill


    I picked up one of the new PB Jr Semi Strut Jakes at Gander Mtn for $40 and so far have seen 6 toms run right up to it and want to open a can of whoop ass on it. 4 last Friday morning and 2 this morning. In both cases a bird died. :) Only thing different about it is the neck posture, the...
  16. Shoot2Kill

    doubled up with a bow

    Wow! Awesome hunt man!!! Nicely done!
  17. Shoot2Kill

    2012 Iowa Taxidermy show pics

    Wow. Truly fantastic work. Your buck is very impressive. Nicely done!!!
  18. Shoot2Kill

    Ameristep Tom Taker 2

    Swung into Gander Mtn today to kill some time and ran into this Ameristep blind and my 4 year old instantly popped into my head. He's been killing every mount in my basement with his nerf dart guns for the past 2 months and I'm taking him turkey hunting in 2 weeks. When I saw this I thought...
  19. Shoot2Kill

    I'm Excited!!! :)

    Wow, fantastic pic Jay!
  20. Shoot2Kill

    Bad day icefishing

    Wow. Bet that tow truck driver is unemployed now. What a moron.
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